Chapter Thirty One

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Claudia came strolling in like there was nothing wrong with Jase behind her. She had a smug smile on her face like she had gotten away with something, but she hadn't, we knew. "Hey Sexy," she said in a low voice as she stepped close to Mase who was sitting on his desk. She blankly ignored me like I wasn't in the room, little bitch.

"Sit!" Mason demanded with a growl. He was angry at how his lifelong friend had betrayed him and turned against us to destroy each and every one of us.

Her smug smile fell from her face as she took a seat across from Mason. "Why are you doing this to us, what have we ever done to you?" Mase asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't understand what you're talking about Mase," she told him innocently. She had a confused look on her face like she didn't actually know what was going on or why she was summoned to his office with Jase and me.

"You're a fucking hunter, Claudia. A hunter that kills our kind," Mase yelled at her, I had never seen him so angry. I turned to face Jase, he too had a look of shock on his face at Mason's anger.

Claudia was stunned into silence, with her mouth hanging wide open and her eyes held dread within them. "Wh... what?" Claudia muttered once she was able to compose herself enough to talk.

"Which hunting group do you belong to?" he growled.

"None, I don't know what you're talking about," she lied.

"Are you stupid or something?" Mase questioned angrily. "November here overheard you talking on the phone with someone, I'm assuming your leader, about destroying our species, the genocide of us." He took a moment to himself, calming his nerves slightly, before he carried on speaking to her. "Why Claudia, why destroy us, me included, your best friend, when we've done nothing wrong?"

"Because you're disgusting creatures, abominations of this world. You've all killed so many innocent people, you deserve to be destroyed!" she blurted out in anger. I could see the rage in her eyes as she glared at Mason.

"We've never killed anyone innocent, only the rogues that have threatened my pack, we've never hurt any innocent people, humans or wolves," Mason explained with low toned anger in his voice. "I couldn't bear to be the leader of people who hurt and kill others no matter who."

"You liar, I've seen the damage you've done. I grew up scared that one day it would happen to me, we were always told never to go into the worlds alone, but that was before I found out who I really was, the daughter of the best-known hunters in the world."

"So, they used you to infiltrate my pack, to find out our secrets just so you could destroy us," Mason interrupted her. "We aren't the threat here; the rogues are and maybe you could help us."

I knew that we were all shocked by what Mase had just suggested. Jase and Claudia both had their mouths wide open and eyes glimmering in shock.

"Mase, you can't work with her or any of the hunters, they'll destroy us in the process." Jason complained to Mason, he had just voiced what I had been thinking, I didn't think I could work with the enemy.

Claudia recovered from her shock and spoke up, "I can't work with you either, you could turn your backs on us any second and kill us."

"That won't happen, we both have the same problem," Mason started to explain calmly. I could see that he was working through things in his head, I just wish he would let me in so I could help in some way. He suddenly pushed away from his desk and stood up, in deep thought he started to pace the room. "The rogues need to go," he said after a few minutes of pacing and I getting worried about what was running through his head at lightning pace. "They are the ones who cause the harm, together, us the pack and the hunters can work to diminish them completely. We have different skills which can help us in the long run. We just need to put aside our differences until they are gone."

I knew exactly what he was going on about, the modern technology that the human had created could help us easily win against the rogues. Guns and other weaponry wasn't used in werewolf fights, they just use hand-to-hand combat to win against the enemy but with the hunters a war would be over easily and quickly. Guns don't cause fatality in werewolves, unless shot straight into the heart or head, they normally cause major injury like it would in a human therefore slows us down and more vulnerable to attacks from others.

"I agree with you Mase, I think we should all work together, it would give the best outcome. It's not like we want to hurt the humans, even the hunters, we just want to get rid of the rogues once and for all." I spoke up. I knew with the help of the hunters we would win. "I may not like you Claudia but we need your help. Get your leader here and we can discuss the best way in which we can defeat the rogues, the ones that are causing all the harm."

I could tell that she knew I was right, there was something in her eyes that spoke to me, but we still gave her a few minutes to contemplate her decision. "Fine," she signed with a hint of agony in her voice over having to work with the enemy. "I'll call the leader, he won't want to meet here, just because of protection. You never know, you could decide to kill us when we arrive."

"We couldn't do that, the hunters may be our enemy but we won't hurt the innocent," Mason growled. "We'll write up a contract that we all agree to."

After hours of discussing and arguing over a plan about what to do with the rogues we all finally came to some sort of agreement. Claudia would plead with her hunter group to fight against the rogues instead of us, since we were no danger to them, they could only attack us if we attacked them first, which wasn't going to happen.

My heart beat heavily at the idea of us working together, it'd be the only way. I watched as Claudia pulled out her cell phone and dial in a number. "Speaker phone!" Mason demanded, I knew that he wanted to hear the whole conversation between her leader and herself.

Once the leader answered it took ages of persuading by Claudia and Mason to agree for a meeting, but once that was sorted we headed straight for a meeting place where we would meet the hunter leader and the rest of the group. I had a sense that they would be armed just in case, but we went alone, just Mason, Jase and I, no back up, nothing.

The hunter leader was a fairly old man, in his late sixties with salt and pepper hair, and dull coloured eyes which glinted in anger, but his build was large and domineering. Sure, he was a large a Mason but there was a sense of power radiating coming from him. Mason and he shook hands roughly in greeting before the meeting started. I knew this would take a long time.

I was surprised when he agreed to help us eliminate the rogues, I had an inkling that he believed that we weren't the ones causing the harm and that there were more dangerous things out there than us.

The hunters, would fight by air, using a helicopter. This would be the safest for them, whereas us wolves would fight the rogues on the ground head on. Mason would lead us all into battle with the rogues when the time comes for them to attack us, the young children, elderly and women who couldn't fight would find refuge inside the pack house with more able worriers guarding them.

I couldn't wait until this was all over, I wanted to spend time with Mason, we hadn't had a chance to properly be together without worrying about the rogue attacks. I needed him all to myself.


Hi, guys, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Home at the moment for Easter, so I've had time to write the last couple of days. Sorry its been so long hope to update soon, I've already started the next chapter, only like a hundred words in though.



Libs X 

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