Chapter Nine

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After thinking about the kiss again and again in my head, I knew that I had to tell someone before my head exploded and the only person I could tell was Reagan. Just thinking about that amazing kiss made me want to moan. 'Mmmh,' my wolf hummed, she just couldn't forget about the kiss either.

It had been twelve hours since he had left my room but there was nothing that could stop me thinking about him, I tried everything. I tried to fall asleep but I imagined what his face looked like and remembered how soft his lips were. I also had a shower to try and wash his scent off me but it wouldn't go away. I tried to distract myself with music, a book and even television but nothing worked.

I was exhausted, I was up all night thinking of him.

I knew I had to tell someone.

After changing into some black leggings and football sweater I headed out of my bedroom. I turned left and headed for Reagan's bedroom, the guards were at the end of the hall watching me. Once standing in front of the door I took a deep breath before knocking.

She didn't answer.

I listened carefully for a moment, there was no noise coming from inside. I decided to wait for her inside. I grabbed the door handle and twisted it. The door slowly slid open.

I stood in the doorway for a moment or two just staring at the sight in front of me. I was horrified to say the least. I didn't need to see this, I never wanted to see this.

"Oh my Goddess Reagan!" I squealed at the sight of my best friend naked on top of her boyfriend who was equally naked. I was easy to tell what they were doing.

"Ember turn around now!" Re yelled at me, pulling the blanket over herself and Jason.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I replied as I turned around, glad to not see them anymore.

I heard shuffling behind me and even a little moan as they moved around, I guessed they were getting dressed. "I'll see you later baby," Jason said to Reagan. "I love you."

"Love you too," I heard her giggle.

Jase passed me, "See you Little Rogue, maybe you should knock louder next time you want to enter our room, these rooms are soundproof."

"Oh I forgot," I smiled.

Once he left the room I turned to Reagan and laughed. I couldn't believe what I had walked in on, I never thought I'd see my best friend in that position and I found it hilarious. Re was innocent when I last saw her a few years ago but now she was wild chick with her boyfriend.

"November shut up!" she exclaimed in a high pitched voice. "It's going to happen to you one day."

"Yeah right," I sighed. "I'd have to be kissed more than once."

"What! When were you kissed?"

"That's what I came to talk to you about."

"Oh, well take a seat," she pointed to the bed.

I stared at it for a moment, "I'd rather not sit there."

"It's clean today," she explained looking at the sheets.

"Yeah but what I just walked in on, I'd rather not," I laughed.

"Okay, let's sit on the floor then." We walked to the thick rug in the middle of the room and sat down. "So..."

She wanted me to explain. "Masonmighthavekissedme," I rushed to say.

"What was that?" she leaned forward trying to get me to say more. "This time slow it down."

I took a deep breath. "Mason might have kissed me last night."

She looked shocked. "You mean Alpha Mason." I nodded slowly. "Seriously?"

"Yes," I muttered. I knew my face was turning red, this was more embarrassing than I originally thought.

"Wow, he let you call him Mason?" she asked.

"He told me that I should call him Mason. Is that a problem?"

She sighed, "No but I can't believe him he actually told you to call him that. He has never let any girl call him Mason except me and his family. I can't believe he kissed you either, I have never seen him with a girl. I mean I heard the stories about him with girls before he was Alpha but ever since there has been no one."

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah really, all three of the boys used to go out together to hook up with girls, one by one they stopped, Mason was first."

"How did you find this out?" I asked.

"I wanted to know how many girls Jase had been with before we got together, I didn't want have some girl walk up to me and tell me she had slept with my boyfriend.

"I understand."

"Sometimes I wished I didn't know, it hurts knowing that some other girl gave your man pleasure, at the back of my mind I'm always wondering if he is comparing me to them."

"I'm sure he isn't, he loves you very much."

"I know, I love him too."

"I wish I was loved," I admit. "I just want to know why he kissed me."

"I don't know sweetheart maybe he got lonely, being Alpha alone could be lonely and you're the new girl, maybe he just wants in your panties."

"That could be it but he told me that he was waiting for his mate, he said that he already knew her but she didn't know him."

"You could be his mate," she laughed.

"Unlikely," I sighed. "I would have felt it otherwise."

"Are you sure?" she asked me.

"Positive," I bluntly said.

"All right then, you're not his mate but I'll bet you'll be jealous when he finds her."

"I won't because I know that my mate is out there somewhere and I'm waiting just for him."

"I hope so, you won't be able to resist an Alpha for long."

* * * * *

We spent a long time that afternoon just talking and only interrupted when Jase walked in to change into some shorts because apparently a football game was going on in the back yard. Of course Reagan wanted to watch, so we headed downstairs after I pulled on a jacket because I knew it was getting cooler at night.

Reagan and I sat on the side-lines with other female wolves. They all had massive smiles on their faces and were cheering for their mates. How I wished I was one of them.

The game was really good, you could tell they did this often. But I was disappointed when I didn't see Mason on the field, I wanted to watch him play.

"Why didn't Mason play?" I asked Reagan as we headed inside after the game.

"He's probably busy, he only came back from his trip yesterday. I heard from Jase that he had to fill out loads of paper work and crap, he'll be swamped for the next few day for sure."

"Okay," I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow," I yawned heading into my bedroom before throwing myself onto my bed.

Why was he still on my mind? Why could I still feel his lips against mine? Why was I jealous of his supposed mate?


Sorry this has taken me so long to update, I've been really busy lately.

I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter.



Libs x

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