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Taeyeon POV

Yoona and Sunny borrowed (Y/N)...

For what though?

Should I try to eavesdrop?

I open the door slightly and listen to them.

Y: Sure sunbae, I'd love to be your friend.

Sunny: Call me noona instead from now on.

I close the door and think for a while.


Does he really like her???

Why is he getting close to her?! 

I hear the door open and calm myself down while wearing a poker face.

Y: Noona?

T: What.

Y: Are you ok?

T: Yes.

Y: Okay...


What am I doing??? 

This is so embarrassing.

I walk faster in order to avoid him but he keeps following my pace.

Finally, the elevator.

I get in and he follows.

I press the button and we eventually start heading down to the basement.

Just how long is this elevator ride???

Y: Noona? What's wrong?

I hesitate for a while but decide not to answer him.

I'm sure he knows what he's done wrong.

The elevator dings, and the door opens.

I start walking but suddenly, I felt my hand being stopped.

T: Let me go.

Y: Not until you tell me what's wrong.

T: It's nothing, just let me go.

Y: I won't let you go, now talk to me? please?

I turn around and he lets go of my wrist.

Y: Did I do anything to upset you noona? 

T: No. You did nothing.

Y: Did I hurt you in any way?

T: No.

Y: Did I overstep any boundaries? 

T: No.

Y: Then please, tell me what's the problem so that we can talk about it. I don't want us to fight like this noona. 

I stand not knowing what to say.

Should I tell him what I feel about him?


Should I just let this be...


I wait for her to give an answer, what should I do?

She's standing there right in front of me, should I just do nothing? 

She doesn't seem to want to fix this...

But, no.

Not like this, I'll try to fix what I can.

I wait for a few more minutes but she still hasn't said anything.

Y: I'll wait noona, tell me when you want to okay? Let's get going, you must be hungry. 

I walk out of the elevator and head towards the car.

Taeyeon POV

Y: I'll wait noona, tell me when you want to okay? Let's get going, you must be hungry.

I watch him walk out of the elevator.

How stupid can I be???

Aishhhh pabooooo!!!

I thought of how to leave but remember that I handed him my car keys earlier.


I think for a while and just decided to go with him.

I walk towards the car and see him nodding his head up and down.

Hahaha, he looks cute.

I open the passenger side door and sit down.

(Y/N) POV 

I started the car waiting for noona but it seems like she'll take a few more minutes.

I turn on the radio and jam to it until I hear the door open.

I open my eyes and watch her sit down.

Y: Anything you want to eat? Pork? Beef? 

N: Anything...

Y: Well, I know a place, wear your seatbelt.

I pull my seatbelt but before I fasten it, I can hear her struggling to put her seatbelt on as if it's her first time wearing one.

I smile and think that she must be panicking.

I lean over her and help her pull her seatbelt and fasten it.

I sit back down and finally wear my seatbelt.

Taeyeon POV

Y: Well, I know a place, wear your seatbelt.


I'm hungry so anywhere will do...

I pull on my seatbelt but it won't come out.

What is wrong with this???

Suddenly, my vision is blocked by him covering me and helping me with the seatbelt.

I look at him fastening the seatbelt and feel my face warm up.

Y: Well, let's go?

I clear my throat and nod.

We finally leave the building and stop at a red light at an intersection.

Y: Oh, the place that we're going to a Sundaeguk place, is that alright with you?


How did he know that it's one of my favorite foods??

Y: It's one of my favorite restaurants that I go to. The ahjussi there is really nice.

T: Oh... That's good then...

Y: It is, don't worry, he's seen a lot of celebrities so you can eat comfortably. 

We see the light finally turn green and move forwar-



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