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I wake up to my daily routine of just staying at home and playing games since it was our rest day. 

We were just waiting for the announcement of our new members and it still hasn't come out yet.

I just hope I can do a good job being the leader though.

I haven't really learned that much through Noona.

*phone rings*

Y: Hello? 

N: Hey, are you free today?

Y: Umm, yes. It's our rest day.

N: Good, meet me at (address) in 30 mins. 

Y: What's this for noona? 

N: This is for the mentorship duhhh.

Y: Oh, right. I'll be there.

N: Good.

Seems pretty close by, I just have to walk.

I take a shower and get changed.

Taeyeon POV


Now let's see how he'll react to meeting some of my members hehehe.

I walk and arrive 10 mins early.

I wait for a while and he's actually on time this time.

I see him stopping and looking at his phone.

I walk behind him and try to scare him.

T: BOO! 

Y: Nice try noona.

T: You weren't surprised by that at all???

Y: I love horror movies. So what you did was nothing compared to what I've seen and heard.

T: Sigh. Whatever. Let's go.


Hahaha, at least she tried.

She doesn't realize how she's sulking through the mask right now.

Hahaha, it's kind of cute.

I follow her inside a building towards a dressing room.

" SNSD Dressing Room "

Ahh, her members.

I'll pretend to be surprised to find out that she's from SNSD. 

N: We're here! 

Y: SNSD? Ohhh!!! I like their music! 

N: You do?! 

Y: Yeah!!! I especially like one of their members. 

N: Who is it???

Y: Secret! 

N: You're no fun.

Y: Yeah yeah~ What are we doing here?

N: We are here to meet them!

Y: Seriously?! 

N: Yep!

Y: Waahhhh, are you a staff member?  No, you know one of them personally don't you?! 

N: You'll find out, hehehe.

She opens the door and we enter the group to be greeted by Yoona and Sunny sunbaenim.

Y: Wahhhh! 

Yoona: Oh! Unnie you're here! 

Sunny: Who's he? 

N: Go on, introduce yourself.

Y: Oh uhh, it's nice to meet you sunbaes, I am Kim (Y/N). 

I bow and Sunny sunbaenim just looks at me.

Yoona: Ahh! You're being mentored by Unnie right?

Y: Yes sunbae...

Yoona: Aigooo, you don't have to call me that, just call me Noona. 

Y: Understood Noona.

N: Now you have two noonas.

Sunny: Just sunbae for me still. 

Y: Sunny sunbae? Have I done anything wrong?

Sunny: What makes you say that? 

Y: You've been looking at me ever since me and Yoona noona was speaking.

Sunny: Oh, you're well aware of your surroundings. Interesting.

Y: Why? Do you want me to become interested in you sunbae? 

Taeyeon POV


What is happening right now?!

He had this side to him???

Why can't he say that to me instead?!

Sunny: I uhh-

Y: Hahaha, I'm just kidding sunbae. It's just a joke of course. I'm pretty sure you already have a boyfriend.

Sunny: I-

T: Okay. Let's stop there. 

Y: Right. If you don't mind me asking, how are you related to the two of them? 

T: You're joking right? 

Y: Uhh, no?

T: Sigh.

I remove my mask and show him who I am.

Y: Uhh... what?


Did he just say what?!

The Mentor ( Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now