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Taeyeon POV


I can't believe I forgot to look up a place around there!!!

We ended the day going back to the agency and going home. 

And that was it! 

I had to eat alone and he went home!

I can't believe him! 


How can he not be interested in me at all?! 


I got home after coming back from the agency. 

Ha-jun: Oh hey! You're home! How was the first day?

Y: It was good. She was nice and all.

Ha-jun: Ohhh did you say she? Hahaha was she nice? Maybe this time you'll get a girlfriend hahaha! 

Y: Hahaha nice joke. She was Taeyeon sunbaenim. Or as she said to call her Noona.

Ha-jun: Nice joke too. Seriously, who was she? 

Y: It really was Taeyeon sunbaenim. 

Ha-jun: Fine fine~ You don't have to tell me. I'll find out soon. 

Y: Hays~ 

Ha-jun: I left some food on the table, I'll go and sleep.

Y: Thanks bro.

Ha-jun: If you really are thankful, then tell me who your mentor is!

Y: It's Taeyeon sunbae! 

He closes the door and I head to the table.


Since she didn't know where to eat, I just drove back to the agency. 

It's dinner time and it would be dangerous to run into paparazzi this late at night.

Even more complicated if she gets dating rumors about me and her.

( A/n: Noona = N or Taeyeon = T,  N for Your/Readers' perspective and T for Taeyeon's perspective, You = Y )

N: Uhh, where are we going? 

Y: Where are we going? Oh, we are going back to the agency.

N: Oh. 

Y: We don't have anything else to do right? 

N: No, not really...

Y: Well, it's late and I don't want you to go home late noona. Plus I think my roommate is waiting for me at home.

N: Roommate? What's her name? 

Y: Ahh, it's a he. He's going to be in the same group as me.

N: Ahh, what's his name?

Y: Ha-jun. 

N: I see... 

After that the drive to the agency was quiet, I checked if she was asleep but she was just awake and either looking at her phone or the road.

I guess she didn't want to talk. 

Y: Well noona, we're here. 

N: Ahh... well okay. You're welcome. 

Y: When's the next one? 

N: Next one?

Y: Yeah. Didn't Mr Ji-hoon tell you?

N: About?

Y: The mentorship will be 2 weeks? 

N: What?! 

Y: Yeah. He told me that you're available for 2 weeks? 

N: Aish... That guy...

Y: If you don't want to, I can tell him to cancel it and find a new one? 

N: No, no, it's alright.

Y: If you say so noona. Thanks for today.

N: Oh, it was nothing.

Y: I'll get going then. 

I open the door and walk out of the basement.

I felt the sudden breeze of cold air hitting my neck.

Did I do something wrong? 

The Mentor ( Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now