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Look at her face!

She's so funny and adorable!

N: Ugh! Fine! Come on, let's just go!

Yoona: Ahh, Unnie can you let me borrow him for a minute? 

N: I'll wait outside then.

We watch her open and close the door as she leaves.

Yoona: Do you really not know it's HER?

Y: Hahaha, I know it's Taeyeon sunbae. 

Yoona: Ohh, why are you pretending then?

Y: She keeps being adorable whenever I tease her hahaha.

Sunny: Hmm, maybe I'll let you be my friend. You're a fellow prankster like me.

Y: Sure sunbae, I'd love to be your friend.

Sunny: Call me noona instead from now on.

Y: Now I have 3 noonas and they're all famous! 

Yoona: Hahaha. Until when are you going to lead her on?

Y: Hmm... Until she figures out that I know it's her? Hahaha.

Sunny: Don't lead her on too much okay? She actually has a limit to getting teased.

Y: Noted noona. I'll get going then, the minute is over. I'll see you noonas some other time!

I wave as I close the door and see Taeyeon noona waiting.

Yoona POV

Yoona: He clearly likes her.

Sunny: She clearly likes him. 

Yoona: Want to make a bet?

Sunny: Sure.

Yoona: I bet that Unnie will confess her feelings first.

Sunny: You're wrong, (Y/N) will do it first.

Yoona: Alright. The loser will...

Sunny: Become the other's maid for 6 hours. 

Yoona: Deal! 


Y: Noona? 

N: What. 

Y: Are you ok?

N: Yes. 

Y: Okay...

I notice her walking faster than usual and try to keep up with her pace but she keeps walking faster each time I catch up to her.

We eventually reach the elevator and I follow in after her.

The atmosphere is tense and every time I try to look at her she avoids me. 

I finally muster up some courage and ask her.

Y: Noona? What's wrong?

I wait for a few more seconds and still no response.

The elevator opens at the floor but before she left, I grabbed her wrist.

The Mentor ( Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now