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I stop at the window and grab our orders.

I, of course, double-check to see if the order is correct.

I noticed that one of the drinks was a medium instead of a large. 

?: What are you waiting for? People are waiting behind us.

Y: Gimme a sec noona.

I hand her the bag, knocked on the closed window and an employee opens the window to ask me.

Employee: Sir? Is there something wrong?

Y: Ahh well, this drink should be a large instead of a medium as I showed him the receipt.

Employee: Ohhh, I'm sorry sir. Let me get that for you.

He grabs the medium drink and quickly gets a large one.

Employee: Here you go sir, sorry for the wrong one.

I grab the drink and put it on the cupholder.

Y: No no, it's okay. Thanks! 

I close my window and drive off.

Taeyeon POV


To think he paid attention to my order.

T: Can I dig in first?

?: Hmm? Oh yeah, sure.

I grab my order and start eating.

I glance at him focused on the road and stop eating.

T: Can you find a place to stop for a while?

?: Oh uhh... 

He hurriedly looks for a spot to stop and immediately does.

?: What's wrong noona?

I hand him his order and tell him to eat.

?: Ahh, thanks.

I'm halfway finished with my food while he has already eaten his.

T: That was fast. Were you that hungry?

?: Yeah hahaha. 

He waits for me to finish my food and starts to drive again.

A few hours later...

I was woken up by him telling me that we've arrived.

?: Noona, we're here but... what is this place?

T: Oh... Just follow me. 

I open the door and close it behind me.

I stretch my legs and body while waiting for him to come out.


What is this place? 

There are a lot of trees, but it looks like a dead end.

But there is a path going inwards.

I wonder why she brought me here?

?: Hurry up! 

She starts walking towards the path and I make sure that the car is locked.

I jog towards her and walk by her side.

I look around us and just see trees and nothing else.

Y: Noona, what are we... uhh doing here?

?: Well, we are here to relax. 

Y: Relax?

?: Mhmm.

We keep walking until we are greeted by the fresh breeze and bright sun.

I stand there amazed at the scenery while she keeps walking forward.

This is...

What did she want to do here?

?: Great view right? 

Y: Well yeah... but what are we doing here?

?: Well, like I said before, to relax. 

Y: What about the training?

?: Worry about that later, for now just keep quiet and just... breathe.

Y: I see...

We stood there as the wind blew, I looked at her and she had her eyes closed.

She is beautiful...

I did the same and just waited for her.

Taeyeon POV

I felt the breeze as it blew, this is nice. 

A break from all the work and all the stress.

I open my eyes and look at him, looks like he knows how to listen.

I notice him opening his eyes and I immediately close mine.

?: Are you done noona?

T: Yeah.

?: Then, should we go?

I nod and lead the way while he follows behind me.


I follow after her and she looks relaxed.

Looks like she just wanted to unwind.

A few mins later...

Y: Where are we going noona? 

?: Before that, introduce yourself. 

Y: Oh! Sorry, I'm Kim (Y/N). 

?: Good. (Y/N)-ssi. 

Y: Hmm?

?: N-nevermind. 

Did she want to ask me something? 

I start the car and slowly reverse out of the parking lot.

?: Aren't you going to ask me to introduce myself?

Y: Uhm, you can introduce yourself when you want to noona. For now, I'll call you noona.

Taeyeon POV

Is he not interested in me???

Or does he not care who I am? 

Either way, this is good. 

To maintain a student to teacher relationship.

T: Are you sure? You don't want to know who's mentoring you?

Y: It's okay noona. I trust you. 

T: T-trust me??? 

Y: Mhmm, Mr. Ji-hoon wouldn't have recommended you if he didn't.

T: I-I see...

What should I do now?

Y: Noona? 


Should I just have him follow me around? 

Y: Noona? Hello? 

T: Ahh what? 

Y: I was asking if you know any places where to have dinner.

T: Uhm... 

Y: I'm guessing that's a no?

T: Yeah...

Y: Oh...

The Mentor ( Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now