Channel Infinaty

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Here we go lol, finally stared this, there is really no reason for this to be the first but hey lol. Okay lol, this game is complicated but let's just get into it.

1. You and a close friend or friends
2. Quiet room with a door
3. Television, older the better analog preferred
4. One remote
5. Item of personal significance
6. One favorite book
7. A key any key
8. A cell phone
9. A weapon, a hammer is a good choice, idk why a hammer is a good choice it just says it is.

How to play
1. Set up T.V I. The room
2. Set the T.V to a static channel or a no signal channel, place the remote near by
3. Leave the room, make sure it stays empty for 3 hours
4. Whilst waiting collect the significant item, the book, cell phone, weapon, and the friend ( Tell them what's happening)
5. Have he friend outside the door, and bring the other items in with you
6. Sit in front of the T.V and watch until you feel.... different, this has been described as feeling disoriented but could be different from person to person.
7. Call your friend into the room
8.   Give them the significant item and have the leave the room, make sure they know they can't renter the room no matter what they may hear
9. Face the wall opposite of the T.V, you shouldn't be able to see it, listen closely
10.  If you hear nothing: do not proceed, however if you hear a noise: you may continue
11. Pick up the controller and face the television
12. A yes or no question should be on the screen. Answer truthfully. Use the channel button for yes and no, up for yes, down for no
13. One of three things may happen
1. If your favorite show turns on:
Watch it, you mustn't look anywhere but the screen, proceed to Path One
2. If an image of the person/ thing you hate the most appears:
Take the weapon and destroy the television, proceed to Path One
3. If you look around and feel like something is off:
Pick up the phone, the Key, and the book, exit your home.
2.  Go to the nearest public building and open it with the key
( if the key doesn't work idk it doesn't say I guess it just will work)
3. In the building find a room with one entrance
4. Sit down and read your book
5. If you hear nothing: do not proceed, however if you hear footsteps: Wait for them to fade away, then  count to 250 out loud.
6. If you hear three knocks: open the door. If you hear 4 knocks say "I forbid you, I forbid you" then open the door
7. If you open the door and no one is there do not proceed
8. If a statue of someone you love is there, destroy it.
9. Exit the building and look at the moon
Pink Moon
Pink Half Moon:
Take out your phone and call your third most recent call contact. Proceed to Path One
Pink Full Moon:
Call a random number, before the other end picks up bite all the way through (ouch) proceed to Path One
Green Moon
Green Half Moon:
Remove your clothing, run home ( I don't know ok, like are there other people around?) don't look back, proceed to Path One
Green Whole Moon:
You are incapable of proceeding, idk why just says that you will be incapable
Path One
You have finally reached channel infinity
1. Press the guide button on the remote, select the show you believe will answer your most pressing question
2. Continue watching the static/ no signal pay close attention to what may appear, if you look at it right it will answer your most pressing question.
3. Something else, anything else ( honestly I have no clue what this mean like that's exactly what it said so like if you play this I hope you know lol)
4. Ending the game. Turn off the television and exit the room

You may not tell anyone what you learned and you can do this a maximum of 4 times

8 I give this an eight because it just feels like a more dangerous one, it just feels very ominous I guess. Plus, kinda weird side note but at the end of the article it, actually I'll just insert an image. A bit ominous huh. Ok this legit took like hours lol. I think this is my longest chapter. So I didn't even notice that this was the next chapter I was going to write before I hit 1k lol

 So I didn't even notice that this was the next chapter I was going to write before I hit 1k lol

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