Ghost Paper Challange

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Ignore any spelling errors Im writing this and playing roblox n im just gioing to go


1. Paper

2. Pencil

3. Door

4. Candles

5. Matches


1 turn off all the light and enter the room, close the door 

2. Put the peice of paper on the floor infront of the door, ,light the candle and place it next to the candle

3. wait until 3AM

4. knock on the door 3 times and say "Spirit if the door, I welcome you; make yourself come through" 

5. Write your question on the paper and slide it half way under the door, and wait

6. if it doesnt move you faild and end game, if the pen and paper move it has worked

7. if the paper doesnt come back end the game,  however it comes back read the respondce

8. if the spirit is angry end the game, however you can do this back and forth 3 times then you end the game, leave the door closed until sunrise as well

9. to end the game 



I give this a 2 because its pretty simple, and I find it somewhat humorous and the only thing more funny is the paranormal microwave game

Sorry if this seemed rushed, it was, I have to get off electronics like now but ye ill fix mistakes later, night!

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