The raven man

340 11 4

Ok so this game is a step up in dangerousness but it also can grant you a wish so yeah. Well basically you invite this dead dude or demon not sure which one, I thinks a demon. Back to the point when you do the ritual you can ask a question or ask for a service.


1. 5 candles

2. Sharp thing

3. Salt

4. Talisman / protection object ( optional )

How to play

Step 1. You want to begin at night and preferably a cloudy one, draw the curtans and ensure no outside light enters the room turn off all light sources as well (you should also keep your object with you at all times)

Step 2. Take your salt and draw a semi large circle with it stay outside of the circle

Step 3. Line up 5 candles in front of you, I think the candles should be beetween you and the salt circle

Step 4. Start lighting the first 4 candles for each candle you light say the line

1. On this dark night I call on the raven man

2. Appear before me

3. Here and now

4. And do my will

Step 5. This is when you you cut your finger just enough to where it bleeds, touch your blood to the 5th candle

Step 6. Recite the frase " The flame is my becon, my blood is the sacrifice" then light the last candle

Main event

Step 7. I think the raven man will now show his presence somehow,

Step 8. You will now ask him your question or ask him to do you a service ( treat him with respect)


Step 9. Thank him for coming and answering your question or the doings of your service

Step 10. Put a candle out each word you speak " I release you now raven man" (Do not blow them out snuff them with your fingers or something else)

Step 10. Clean up the salt and place it by any door leading into your house

Step 11. Keep your protection object with you for a few days, If you don't you invite the raven man to ask something of you which you do not want.

Hey guys.......I know I said I was going to try to post everyday and then went blank for like months. Sorry. Sorry about disappearing (author from the future it is often months between posts lol


6. I give this a 6 because you will most likely be fine if you follow the rule but, there still seems to be a risk. If you don't fallow these rule though it seems like you'll be in some DEEP crap so like plz follow the rules n if you die its not my fault.

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