Dry Bones

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So, this game is acctually rather popular and I was kinda suprised that it wasn't already in here. Obviously I have now fixed that haha. In this game/ritual you sumone somthing the resorce I'm using doesn't specify it just says HE, although through the nature of this game I'm guessing it's a demon per usual. Enough rabling, so it's like one man hide and seek (which I do have a chapeter on) the main diffrence is that you can't see your opponent and it's easier to preform I suppose. Why might you ask would someone play this game? Well you get a wish and if you win your wish will be granted it's very dangerous though. So, lets get started.


1. Bathroom mirror

2. A Match

3. Candle

How to play

1. In preparation you have to close all doors, cabnets, closets, windows, cupboards ect. All light and screens should be turned off as well (You must play alone as well).

2. At exactly 12:01, no sooner nor later (this is very stressed upon) go into your bathroom and look into the mirror. Be very sure that everything is SILENT if it isn't that means "HE" is already hear and you should leave the house imediantly.

3. Think of what you want as your prize if you win.

4. Strike a match and light the candle. Do NOT blow out the match youself wait for it to burn out on its own. If the match doesn't last 15 seconds or more you can not procede and must leave the house I assume (It doesn't specify)

5. Then as funny as it sound, lay on the floor and recite "I am aware of your presence and I welcome you into my home. Come now"

6. Go to the largest room in your house and wait

7.How long this takes has veried from minutes to hours, you must be paitent. When "HE" is ready you will hear a faint moaning sound, if you hear anything else abort the game.

8. When you hear the moaning begin, run and hide. You mustn't make any sound or sudden movemnts it makes it easier for "HIM" to find you. You have to stay hidden until 3AM and hope "HE" doesn't find you.

9. When the clock strikes 3 the game is almost over and you can come out.

10. Return to your largest room and recite "Thank you for playing, but you must leave now. You are no longer welcome." You will hear a groan and "HE" will leave.

10. In the morning your prize should be on your doorstep.



This game gets and 8 because, it isn't quite so dangerous that I would say don't play but 7 doesn't seem to show quite how dangerous it can be. I say this becaue it does hint that death or one of the usual things that could happen if it goes wrong (Dragged to eternal darkness, violently killed, simply disapeared, dragged to the underworld, etc ect.....)

So ya, do you guys have and thing you would want me to do? Like wright a special chapeter of make an acctual story, or like a Q&A or anything? Idk I kinda just feel like it haha. Well uh.... until next chaper I guess.

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