Why did it happen?

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(3rd person p.o.v.)

Jade was just an everyday ordinary girl. Until her dad left. He fought for her for custody. The judge said that her mom would be better for her. So she lived with her. One day her mom came home wreaking of alcohol. she yelled at her then slapped her and locked her in her room that continued for the next 4 weeks.

(Jades p.o.v.)

Today i have had the worst day ever. It was my 1st day back since my last family that was the 6th time that i was adopted they always ended badly and i was sent back here. The 3rd time i was adopted i was beaten. It reminded me soo much of what my biological mom was like the whole house was dusty. Everytime i close my eyes at night they are there they hurt me. My case isn't getting any better since i get bullied at school. I only had 1 person i could tell everything Liam. "Hey so how was the home better or worse than the last one" liam asked. "Same as every other time they didn't like how shy and timid i was" i replied. Liam is the only person here that knows about me. That really helps when you have no one else to trust.

(Liams p.o.v.)

Jade she has been through soo much. Her own parents didn't want her. Then she went through 5 foster homes and really hoped the 6th one was the one she would stay in. "He so how was the home better or worst than the last" was all i asked her every time. "Same as every other time they didnt like how shy and timid i was" i felt so bad for her she has been through too much. Her orfanage 'mom' was nice. Not like most of the other ones. She actually helped them and wanted to be there for them if they ever needed her. She trusted me and she told me whenever she did self harm or something else. I told her everthing i didnt want to put her through any more pain then what she was in now.

Hey guys hoped you liked the 1st chapter. I will update as soon as possible. Im writing this with my cousin arianna so she will be helping me.

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