talking body

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Wooyoung came twice that night, once with Sans head buried between his legs and the other time with his between Sans muscular thighs. Sans fingers had wandered between his hair, tugging on the blonde strands as tiny moans left his spit glistening mouth.

The moon shone through the hotels window like a spotlight, illuminating Sans face just enough so Wooyoung could see the sharp contures of Sans jaw and cheek bones, lazily tracing them with the tip of his finger. The other looked so peaceful, so innocent, that Wooyoungs heart burst at the thought of ever having hurt him.

San stirred, making a tiny, sleepy noise as he reached out to pull Wooyoung against his chest. Sans eyes slowly opened and Wooyoung smiled softly as he gazed into those sleep clouded irises which he loved so much.

„Hey there", he whispered, nudging Sans nose with his own. San chuckled, running his fingers through his bed hair. His face was still flushed, all the way down to his neck, where Wooyoung had left imprints.

„Good morning?" asked San, glancing over to the alarm clock. Wooyoung shuffled to the side to take a quick look.

„It's 6 am." he answered. Sans eyes widened.

„Oh fuck!" Wooyoung laughed, throwing his head back.


San hummed, bouncing into Wooyoungs lap with one swift move, as agile as a cat.

„I wish we could, but i actually have to go to work." Wooyoung pouted.

„And there's nothing i can do to talk you out of it?"

„I wish", murmured San, „but unlike you, mr worldwide famous, i have to make money the old fashioned way."

„That was a low blow." said Wooyoung, nervously chewing on his bottom lip. He hated whenever people around him pointed out how privileged his life was. What they seemed to forget was the hardships he had to endure to get there.

„You're right. I'm sorry.  It's just so frustrating sometimes." said San, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Wooyoungs lips, which were uncomfortably dry.

„You should use some chapstick."

„And you should brush your teeth." fired Wooyoung back, shoving San down the mattress.

San just laughed, but nodded. „You're right, actually." and then he disappeared into the bathroom, without any pants on, leaving his naked ass on display for Wooyoung to stare at.

The uncomfortable question that Wooyoung had tried so hard to avoid came when San was pulling on his shirt.

„How long until you have to go back?" asked San.

Wooyoungs stomach churned. He didn't want to think about boarding that flight, going back to korea and never been able to see San again.

„Two days from now." said Wooyoung, watchful eyes following Sans movements. The other boy froze for a second. Wooyoung jumped up from where he was seated, his arms coming up to smush San against his chest.

„Two days..." mumbled San, his voice sounding tiny and broken. Wooyoung felt like he was about to cry.

„How about i come pick you up after work?" asked Wooyoung.

San straightened his back, turned around and pulled Wooyoung into a heated kiss that left him shaking.

Wooyoungs chest tightened. Two days were all that he had left with his first love. His first kiss, his first time. The first person who had managed so effortlessly to break down the walls he had worked so hard on to build up around his heart.

„I'll see you at 8." answered San, his eyes wrinkling as he smiled.

Yeosang was the first one to notice Wooyoungs unusal good mood at breakfast. The other one was already halfway through his waffles when he nudged Wooyoung underneath the table.

„Mhm?" asked Wooyoung through a spoon full of cornflakes with cinnamon taste.

„So, i guess your little talk went well?"

Wooyoung winked, pulling down his collar a bit to flash the darkening bruise on his chest to Yeosang, who wrinkled his face in disgust.

Seongwha, who had spend half of the time spooning food into Hongjoongs mouth, glanced over at the two giggling boys. Yunho and Mingi were deep in one of their conversations while Jongho was spaced out, a strip of bacon hanging from the corner of his mouth. Seonghwa sighed, fondly ruffling Jonghos hair before dapping his face with a napkin.

After breakfast was done, Seonghwa and Hongjoong went out on a date, Yunho, Mingi and Jongho disappeared to go shopping and Wooyoung was left behind with Yeosang. They decided on a walk, considering the weather was sunny and warm for once.

Yeosang was sipping on his bubble tea with strawberry taste, while Wooyoung had went for an iced americano.

„He asked me when i will leave." said Wooyoung, an uncomfortable silence settling over the both of them.

Yeosang nodded, tapping his bottom lip with his finger. „I mean, in the end, it's his right to know. But have you thought about what you will do? you can't exactly stay here for him."

Wooyoung huffed. „I know that! obviously. I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave him, Yeosang. But wouldn't it be selfish for me to ask him to go to korea with me? why would he end up sacrificing the life he worked so hard to build, for a boy he met not even four days ago?"

Yeosang gently patted Wooyoungs back, a silent sight of sympathy for him.

„I know how confusing this situation must be for you, Woo. But you need to talk to San about it, okay? ignoring won't benefit either of you."

Evening fell over the city like a dark cloak covered with sprinkles. Wooyoung had taken to wearing his best leather jacket. A deep black, stiled like a crocodiles skin with spikes sticking from the collar. Wooyoung had framed his cat eyes with deep blue khol liner and tinted his lips a faint red. His blonde hair was geeled back and his hands were stuck in fingerless gloves. Wooyoung looked great and he felt great.

San was just done with his shift when a stranger tapped onto his shoulder. He turned around, his body moving a few steps back in defense.

„Who are you?" he growled, flexing his arms to show off his muscles.

„Oh, sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. I'm ATEEZ manager." San relaxed slightly, but he still watched the mans every move.

„What do you want from me?"

The manager cleared his throat and slipped his finger into his pocket.

„I know that you are fond of one of my boys. Wooyoung to be exact. The boy is like a son to me and it's my purpose to protect him. San, you must know how hard it is to be a famous idol. People are on your back about everything, image is the most valuable-.."

„Get to the point." San rudely interrupted him, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

„I want you to back off of Wooyoung. You're doing more harm than good to the boy. In the end, your relationship is meant to fail. He's a popular idol in korea and you're a poor little waiter from germany. And i know how hard these past years have been for you, Choi San. Dead grandmother, dead grandfather, dead parents..."

The manager held out a golden card into Sans direction.

„This is a credit card that will cover all your expenses. You will never have to worry about anything ever again."

„But in return, you want me to break up with him." whispered San, his entire body trembling with rage.

„So, Choi San, do you accept my offer?"

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