neon lights

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The first thing Wooyoung noticed was the smell of the blanket wrapped around his body. The next thing was the obvious fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Wooyoung jumped up. He didn't know the room he was in. He was still half-drunk, looking for his shirt and put it on. His phone was plugged into a charging cable.

Wooyoung could hear voices. Someone was singing softly to the songs that were playing on the radio. He knew the voice. Slowly he slid down the hallway until he reached the kitchen. The smell of coffee and eggs greeted him. The waiter was standing at the stove, back to him.

„Good morning." said Wooyoung. The waiter turned around and smiled at him so brightly that Wooyoung could feel the breath getting knocked out of his lungs.

„Good morning, how are you feeling?" asked the waiter in excellent korean. Wooyoungs eyebrow shot up, but he took a seat at the table and accepted the offered cup of coffee. He blew air into the steaming liquid before taking a careful sip. His face scrunched up at the bitter taste.

„I'm feeling fine, but this coffee is horrible." the waiter chuckled, but handed him a carton of milk and some sugar. He took a seat opposite from Wooyoung and slid a plate of scrambled eggs his way.

„You were pretty drunk yesterday." Wooyoung cringed at the memory of falling into the waiters arms like a damsel in distress.

„Yeah...sorry about that?" the waiter leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His obviously, very muscular chest. Wooyoung could feel his mouth getting dry, but he decided to blame it on his immense alcohol consumption the night before.

„It's fine. I tried to find someone to come pick you up, but i couldn't get into your phone. I hope you don't think i just went and kidnapped you. I just really didn't want to leave you out there on the streets, so i took you home with me."

Wooyoung nodded. „Thanks for that. But if i may ask, why was i not wearing a shirt?"

The waiter laughed. „You threw up on it, so i washed it. I bet sleeping in that wouldn't have been very nice."

„God, i'm so sorry. You don't even know me but had to take care of my drunk ass. And also, i still have no clue what your name is."

„Choi San", answered the boy in front of him, „my name is Choi San. That should also answer your question of why i'm speaking korean with you."

Wooyoung shoveled the eggs into his mouth, taking his time chewing so he didn't have to answer him immediately. San just watched him with statisfaction. „If you're still hungry, i still have some eggs left over." he nodded into the direction of the stove.

„Thanks for your help, but i think i should get back soon. My friends must be worried about me."

The second Wooyoung said that, his phone started ringing. It was Seonghwa. „Oh god." mumbled Wooyoung before accepting the call and a hysterical Seonghwa was screaming into his ear.

„Where the hell are you?!" Wooyoung gulped.

„I...maybe got drunk and a stranger picked me up because i passed out?"

„Excuse me, are you telling me you're at home with a stranger, in a city you have no clue about and also..."

„He's korean, Seonghwa hyung, i can navigate this situation perfectly fine."

„Get your ass back here before manager hyung and i come over there and drag you back ourselves!"

Wooyoung hung up.

„Do you know how to get back to the hotel you picked me up from?" asked Wooyoung, pleading eyes locking with San's.

„Sure, give me a second. I'll get dressed and then take you back."

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