dancing in the moonlight

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San wanted to punch something. Preferably the man in front of him.

„I don't want your money", he hissed, „do you think you can just manipulate people like that?"

The manager laughed, his voice hoarse. San turned away, zipping up his jacket and glancing over at the screen of his phone. Wooyoung had texted him that he was on his way. San typed a reply, turning around again when he send it. The alley behind him was empty, the manager gone.

Wooyoung came to pick him up five minutes later. Sans face lit up the second the other boy turned around the corner and embraced him gently.

Wooyoungs heart was beating like a drum. Sans hand was warm and soft in his own as he lead the other boy down to their date spot.

„Did you rent a boat?" asked San, a wide smile on his lips, as Wooyoung lead him onto unsteady ground. Wooyoung chuckled and tugged on the blindfold he had tied around Sans eyes a few minutes ago.

A gasp escaped from Sans mouth as he took in the scenery around him. Everywhere hung fairy lights around the boat, illuminating the water around in a gentle warm orange. There was a bucket of ice, two bottles of red wine inside. Blankets and pillows were scattered on the ground and Wooyoung turned on the beam projector he had hid somewhere inside the fluffy mess. San felt his eyes water when Wooyoung came closer to him, a single red rose in his hand.

„Do you like it?" asked Wooyoung shyly, slipping the rose behind Sans ear.

„I love it." whispered San, his hands coming forward to tug Wooyoung against his chest.

Wooyoung smiled and took Sans hand. Sans hands were hard and calloused, tough with muscle and old scars.

The night settled around them like a blanket. They could hear the water lapping against the dock. The two boys were totally alone.

„You're...", San began, and Wooyoung waited, heart throbbing in his throat. „So overwhelming." he concluded.

„I know." Wooyoung smirked, just as Sans head swooped in and his mouth touched Wooyoungs.

Wooyoung tried to speak, but one of Sans hands held the back of his head, and he kept his lips pressed against his, kissing Wooyoung softly but with a San-like determination.

Oh, jeez, Wooyoung thought distractedly. Jeez, this is San, and me, and... San tilted his head to kiss Wooyoung more deeply, and he felt totally lightheaded. Then he remembered to breathe through his nose, and the fog cleared a tiny bit. Somehow they were pressed together, Sans arms around Wooyoung now, sliding under his jacket, his hands flat against Wooyoungs back.

It was incredible.

Wooyoung pushed San away, softly, but determined. Then he sat down in the blankets, pulling San down beside him. He turned around, unclogging the wine bottle and filling the red liquid into two glasses.

They cheered together before Wooyoung pulled a package of cookies from his bag. San hummed, content, as he pushed the sweet treat between his teeth, his eyes glued to the screen in front as a disney movie played. Wooyoung didn't care, his entire attention was on San.

The other shot him an amused glare.

„Is the movie boring?"

„No", said Wooyoung, „you're just way more interesting."

Sans hand came up to brush Wooyoungs bangs from his eyes.

„Maybe i can help you concentrate..." an evil glint sparked in Sans eyes.

Wooyoung held his breath as the other boy inched closer and closer.

And then he began to tickle him.

Wooyoung shrieked in delight, desperately trying to breathe and swat Sans hands away at the same time.

A hard push freed Wooyoung from Sans clingy hands. San cried out in surprise, rolling too far to the side.

So far, in fact, that he met the water underneath the boat with a loud splash.

„San!" yelled Wooyoung, jumping into the water without a thought. He squinted his eyes, trying to find a strand of pink hair amongst the dark water. It felt like forever until San emerged to the surface. Wooyoung swam over in a hurry.

„Oh god San, i'm so sorry..." San looked at him from underneath his bangs. Wooyoung waited in silence for him to explode, to dunk him underwater, to do anything. But then San started laughing.

„You look like a panda!"

Wooyoung pouted.

„That was my eyeliner." he argued.

San shrugged, nudging his nose against Wooyoungs as he always liked to do.

„I don't think anyone has ever made me feel this way." said Wooyoung, gazing into Sans eyes.

San flushed.

Silently, he swam over to the boat, leaving Wooyoung to trail after him in confusion. Dripping wet, they stood on the tiny deck, just watching each other like a predator watches its prey.

„Don't do this." said San.

„What?" asked Wooyoung.

„This doesn't have a future, Wooyoung."

and Wooyoung could feel his heart shatter.

„I love you, Choi San."

Sans hands trembled.

„I love you, too."

Wooyoung took a step forward, San took a step back.

„Why are you pushing me away, then?"

„I'm trying to do you a favor. You'll board a plane tomorrow, Wooyoung. Back to korea. And i will still be here."

„Come with me."

Sans head shot up, eyes rimmed red.


„Come with me!" said Wooyoung eagerly, catching Sans cold hands between his own.

„I can't." answered San. His legs were getting weak as he saw the heartbroken look in Wooyoungs eyes. To be honest, he would love to follow Wooyoung back to korea. To leave his shitty apartment and 9 to 5 job behind. But his thoughts wandered back to the conversation he had with Wooyoungs manager just a few hours ago. The man was right.

„I'll do more harm than good. You have such a bright future, Wooyoung. Don't waste it for someone like me."

A sob escaped from Sans throat. Wooyoung stood in front of him, tears streaming down his face.

„San, don't. You're the first person who has managed to break down my walls. You're my first kiss, my first time. You're the first person i have ever fallen in love with. And i can't imagine ever loving someone else. Come back to korea with me. We'll figure it out, we'll..."

„Stop!" cried San out. „Don't you hear yourself? what you're saying is impossible! do you know what they do to gay idols? you'd lose your career if any of this comes out! the kissing picture was bad enough!"

San bend down to grab his bag. Wooyoungs eyes followed him.

„So this is it, then? you'll just run away?"

San took a deep breath, the pain of his own heartbreak so overwhelming. It was worse than anything he ever felt. The disappointment and sadness in Wooyoungs eyes. The thought that this was the last time he would ever get to see this boy. The fact that he had to break the heart of his first, of his epic love, just to save him from himself. He swallowed down the tears and turned around, a cold and hard expression on his face.

„This is it. Goodbye, Wooyoung."

and then he walked away, into the darkness, leaving a crying Wooyoung behind.

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