Chapter 29: Today Is The Day... Escape!

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The sun has been completely engulfed in clouds and the torrent that falls is never ceasing. Not a single ray of light filters through the clouds. It is as dark as night. We stand in a single room, all of us the prisoners, staring at a lonely TV broadcasting the newest information about the hurricane.

We stare at each other and nod. We have everything planned out. We've spent countless hours simulating every possible objection to our plan and made counter measures. We're as ready as we'll ever be. For now it is just a game of patience. We casually glance at the single, lonely guard at the entrance of the door and the guards surrounding us.

We listen to the news reporter who is talking about the current status of the hurricane. A category five hurricane. These conditions are life threatening. The real battle will start when we leave the jail.

The images of the hurricane are astounding. It can take down trees like nothing. The best chance is to head to the forest where all the trees stand together building more air resistance. In there we'd be relatively safe from the speeding winds that exceed the hundreds.

I grab on the both Adam and Jen knowing this might be the last time I see them. I'm half way sad about that and half way happy, if you know what I mean.

After a few minutes the scheduled power outage occures. In the pitch black of the room we instinctively and stealthily run out the room. With the whole structure mapped out in our heads we maneuver past the narrow hallways with ease. Each of us, with a different purpose, split up.

This is where faith comes in. We all serve a piece in a puzzle. If one is missing it is incomplete. If one of us fail the whole plan fails. I have faith in Jen... I have faith in Adam. As much of a jerk as he is, he is also smart.

While I rush over to the entertainment hall to secure the fire starting materials, Jen is making sure no one slips through the halls while retrieving blankets and tying them together to provide us a ladder for our escape. Simultaneously Adam is stalking a guard for his key. When I get the materials I'll move over to the library where Adam will hopefully join me, key at hand. After that, we burn the library down causing a diversion. All attention will be diverted to the fire while we pick Jen up and make our way out. I sure do hope this works! This is it! My life's defining moment! The rest of my existence relies on the current event. I can't screw up! I won't screw up!


It's been getting harder to write chapters. I thought about this story when I was depressed and began writing this, again, when I was depressed (sorta, not really depressed, but that crappy feeling you get). Lately I've been happy so it has gotten hard. I'm a depressed writer. I admit it. v.v

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