Chapter 30: Break! part 1

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Adam's POV
I can't believe I got stuck with the dirty work! I have to go and knock our a guard for his keys. I wonder how this will work out. Of course I had to take this job because it was the toughest. As if I'd let a pipsqueak take the hard job. He couldn't knock them out if he wanted to.

I go to one of the guards that have the keys to the yard door. His silhouette is patting around for his flashlight. Looks like he didn't expect it the black out. He pulls it out and drops it. I use this to my advantage. I throw a fist at him, yet somehow he dodges. I receive a shot to the gut. The adult's strength is much greater than mine. I grip my stomach and fall down coughing.

I can't lose now. I use whatever I can to my advantage. I use all my strength to jump off the ground and headbutt the man in the chin. I nearly snapped my neck. He tilts back and I throw a fist that connects right with his nose. "I'll take this flash light, too." I say as I remove the keys from his waist. "Now I head over to Seph. I have unfinished business with you."

Jen's POV

I hear struggling in the direction that Adam went. I hope he's okay.

"Who's there!" I hear footsteps approaching. I begin to panic. If that's a guard I can't let him through. Then the whole mission would be compromised. It's time to show my worth. I take a deep breath and prepare to do my job. The man materializes from the corner of the hall. "Hey! What are you doing here?" He flashes a light on me. "You are supposed to be back at the shelter!"

I put on a hysterical voice and tell the guard "Guard! You have to help me! My little brother ran over there!" I point away from Adam and Seph "I can't find him, he might be in trouble!"

"Alright ma'am." He places his hands on my shoulder "Calm down. Come with me-"

"I can't calm down!" I begin to shake myself loose from his grip "We have to find him!" He seems new on the job. He begins panicking with me.

"A-alright! I-I'll go get him... Just make your way back to the group, okay?"

I nod. "Sucker!" I think as he runs down the hall in search of my 'brother'. I'm pretty good at this.

I go to the cells that are closed right now. The keys are sitting casually on a table and open the cells. I guess they don't think people will try to break inside the cell. They're more worried about breaking out. I take all the blankets and proceed to tie them in knots together. "Just a few more and we'll be out soon."
Just saying, the last chapter is 34... That is all :3

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