Mission for S.H.I.E.LD

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Serve your country. Serve your leader, but always know the truth about their loyalty.

"Hey, Nat. Can you tell me what the mission is?" I asked Nat as she drove Steve, herself, and I towards somewhere unknown.

Nat looks at me through the rear-view mirror before answering my question. "Fury wants us and Rumlow to rescue hostages on a S.H.I.E.L.D ship, the Lumerian Star, which has been hijacked by pirates."

Steve is finishing putting on his uniform. His uniform was only blue, white, and grey now instead of the patriotic colors of his previous uniforms. Steve's shield has even changed from the bright red, white, and blue to a cool, calm blue and grey. He looked more like a spy than an Avenger ever since he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Samantha, are you sure that you have full control over your powers?" Steve asked me as he handed me my shield bracelet.

I looked down at my hands which had become weapons ever since the fight in New York two years ago. "Yes, Steve. I am in full control of my powers. Now, Nat, what is my part of the rescue?"

Natasha smiles at me through the mirror, "Your part is evaluating the hostages emotional states and helping them relax if they need to be. Once they are calm enough, then you and Rumlow's other agents are going to remove them from the ship. Steve and Rumlow will make sure that none of the pirates bother you and the others while you guys are trying to get the hostages off."

I looked confused at first, but before I could ask Natasha what her part was. Steve beat me to it. "Well then, what is your part Natasha?"

"My part is to secure the top deck and work my way down to you guys once I secure it. Both of you got it?"

"Got it." Steve said.

"Got it." I repeated as I finished putting my hair up into a ponytail. I look down at my uniform. It was a new suit because the one I got after the fight in New York was destroyed during a fight when training with Natasha and Steve. My shield bracelet still was the same, but the spirit element symbol was now purple and it was surrounded by all the other element symbols. My suit was the same setup which was a combination between Tony's Ironman suit and Steve's uniform, but it had its own modifications. I changed the colors from bright blue, red, and white to a more neutral shade of colors with the spirit element symbol on my chest which was a deep purple color. This new suit highlighted my past with the elements as well as my new life with the Avengers and Steve. I wore my new suit with pride and love.

We arrived at an airstrip where a Quinjet was waiting for us. Natasha stopped the car, and all three of us got out of the car. Steve threw his shield over his shoulders onto his back where it would stay until he needed it. I watched Nat put her weapons in all of the holsters or holders as we walked towards a group of .S.H.I.E.L.D agents. All of the agents were dressed like all government military people with guns and helmets which was boring in my opinion. We reached the group, and one of the men greeted us.

"Captain, Agent, and Legacy." He says as he shakes all of our hands. "My name is Broken Rumlow. I will be the lead agent on this mission. Now, did Agent Romanoff explain the plan to you two?"

Steve looked at me and could tell that I was not ready to speak because I was feeling his emotions. "Yes she did. We know what each of us are going to do once we get to the ship. Now is the Quinjet ready to take off?"

"Yes, it is. Once all of us are loaded on. We will take off." Rumlow tells us as he heads to the Quinjet. The rest of us followed him, but I pulled Steve back towards me.

"Steve, I felt some hatred and envy in Rumlow. I have a really bad feeling about this mission." I tell Steve as we walk towards the rest of the agents who were already on the Quinjet.

Steve looks at me with the concerning look he always gives me, "Samantha, once you calm the hostages down, find me and Rumlow to help fight off the pirates. While we are fighting, get a reading of Rumlow, and tell me what you feel after the mission. Okay?"

"Okay. Now let's go before the rest of them start to worry." I tell Steve as we start to jog towards the Quinjet because Rumlow is starting to prepare for liftoff. We reach the Quinjet, and it takes off towards the ship.

"Okay, we have arrived on the ship." Rumlow says to all of us. "We are all going to jump down, and go to our positions. Now everyone grabs a parachute." I watched as everyone grabbed a parachute besides Steve. He just jumped out of the Quinjet into the ocean below. Rumlow looked at me and Nat. "Did he really just do that?"

I started to giggle, "Yes he did. Now I will follow his footsteps." I jump out without a parachute hurtling towards the ocean below. I started to control the air around me to land onto the ship quietly.

I raced towards the hostages by following their emotions. I had entered a room where there were hostages who were being guarded by two pirates. I looked around the room, but none of the other agents had arrived yet. I knew that this was my chance because I had the element of surprise on my side, therefore I took it. I ran towards one of the pirates activating my shield as I got closer to him. I threw my shield hitting the pirate in his head which caused the second pirate to start shooting at me. I activated my fire compartment in my suit, and threw a ball of fire towards the second pirate. He dodged it which made it hit the wall burning a hole into the wall. I grabbed the first pirate's gun, and shot towards the second pirate. I urged the bullet to move faster by controlling the air around it. The bullet hit the pirate in his leg, and he fell to the ground. The first pirate was still in my grip, and I grabbed some rocks from my suit. I used the rocks to knock the first pirate out. Once he fell out of my grip, the second pirate stopped up barely. I concentrated and a few moments later, ocean water erupted into the room taking the second pirate down.

"Well I guess you didn't need backup." An agent said as he and three others rushed into the room.

"No. I didn't. The hostages are okay enough to move. I have to go help Steve and Rumlow." I tell the agent before running out of the room to find Steve. A few minutes later, I find Steve alone.

"Samantha! Are you okay?" Steve says as he runs up to me pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back, "Yes, I am okay. Where is Rumlow?"

"We separated after a bunch of pirates attacked us. Now, let's go find Natasha and get off this ship." We both start to run towards Natasha by following her emotions that I found. We ran until we found her in a room with a bunch of computers.

"Nat! Come on! We have to go!" I yelled to her, but she was busy on one of the computers.

"Romanoff, let's go." Steve says as he walks towards Natasha. "What is this?"

"Nothing. Let it go, Rogers. Let's go." Natasha tells him as she pulls an USB drive out of the computer. She walked past me, and I could feel that she was hiding something because she felt guilty.

"Steve, let's go." I tell Steve. The two of us follow Natasha back to the Quinjet and we all head back to the Triskelion. I had a feeling that when we got back, Steve would become furious at Natasha and Fury for this secret mission. I was worried that my adopted father would do something that he would regret. 

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