🧡😷~Komori Finds Out?~😷🧡

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It had been a few days since the "Omi Accident" and almost everyone gave up on it and just thought it wasn't that important.

But as i said, almost everyone. Osamu was still on the case, he wasn't worried about anything romantic happening since they were both guys, he wasn't homophobic but he just didn't think of it like that.

Osamu was just concerned because he thought Sakusa might've been selling Atsumu certain 'things' like drugs or something even worse. But he just put all of that aside and acted natural.

While they were at practice Kita aka their captain told everyone to gather around, and so they did:

Kita- "We have a practice match with Itachiyama next week, so everyone better be prepared and ready to go."

Everyone said 'ok' and went back to practicing, while Atsumu was very excited but nervous.It was a weird feeling indeed but he felt great so it didn't matter.

~Meanwhile At Itachiyama~
After Tsukasa made the announcement everyone was hyped, they didn't get to have many matches with Inarizaki since they were very far away.

Sakusa was veryy excited about the match, he had just seen Atsumu that week but Sakusa still missed him and was glad they would meet again. However they both had to be patient and wait for next week to come.

After practice had ended and it was time to go home, Komori ran up to Sakusa and asked if he could come over and 'say hi to auntie'.Of course that wasn't the case, Komori just wanted to amnoy Sakusa and spend some time with him. Sakusa sighed but he had a funny way to respond and said:
"If you want to come over, your mom has to talk to my mom"

Komori bursted out laughing, he was very amused. He managed to ask Sakusa:
"Gahh when did you get so funny cuz?"

Sakusa didn't really know where that joke popped out of until Komori asked. Now that he thought about it he realized that when he snuck in, Atsumu made the exact same joke. After realizing that, Sakusa smiled at himself and forgot to actually reply to Komori's question.

They finally made it to Sakusa's house and Komori spoke up while taking off his shoes:
"Hi auntiee!!"

Sakusa's momma: "Oh hi Motoya! I didn't know you'd be over."

Komori: "I just wanted to come and say hi."

He shot a smirk to Sakusa letting him know that that wasn't his intention and he was here for a completely different reason which was just to annoy the shit out of Kiyoomi.

Sakusa sighed and said:
"I'm gonna go take a shower, you can sit in the kitchen with mom since you wanted to 'say hi' so badly."

Komori laughed and went to sit at the table. He chatted with Sakusa's mom for a bit until Sakusa's phone dinged, it was a text message from "tsumu'😤".' Isn't that the starting setter for Inarizaki?' Komori thought to himself. He unlocked Sakusa's phone quietly and checked the message which said:

"Omii!! We have a match together next week!Can you believe itt?😭💜"

'A heart emoji?? Huh??' Thought Komori. He scrolled up in the chat and read almost all the juicy messages. He was shocked at first but he was happy to see his cousin show so much affection towards someone he loved.

He was reading more messages when he heard Sakusa's voice say:
"HEY! what're you doing on my damn phone?!"

Komori quickly tried to hide it but Sakusa snatched his phone away from his cousin. He saw the screen and gestured Komori to go to his room. Sakusa said a short hello to his mom and rushed to meet Komori there.

Since they were cousins he was a little more used to Komori so he didn't care about the germs as much, but he was still cautious. He grabbed Komori's arm angrily and growled:
"Don't. you. dare, tell anyone about this. Got it?"

Komori slightly nodded as Sakusa let go of his arm. Komori didn't want to anger Sakusa even more than he already did but he was still very curious, so he asked:
"Why didn't you guys tell anyone?"

Sakusa was disappointed in himself for not being careful enough but he just sighed and calmly responded:
"Because... Atsumu isn't too comfortable with telling his brother yet and I didn't know if the team would accept me so we both agreed on keeping the secret until we made sure no one was homophobic..."

Komori wanted to comfort Sakusa but ended up slipping his own secret:
"Well if it makes you feel better, i'm not homophobic at all, in fact, i'm bisexual myself."

Komori then realized what he had just said so he slapped his own mouth shut and just looked at the ground in shock.

Sakusa chuckled at Komori's mistake but then smirked and said:
"Same sis..same"

Komori laughed at the use of the word 'sis'. After laughing and joking for a bit Komori remembered something:
"Hey Sakusa you should really text your boyfriend back, i may have sorta left him on seen."

Saku said:
"Oh shit you're right-"

Komori responded with:
"I know, im always right."

Sakusa gave Komori a 'seriously?' look. He then pulled out his phone and texted Atsumu:


tsumu'😤: "Omi, did that happen?😑"

Sakusa looked at the unimpressed Atsumu's message and thought of a reply:
"Noooo, im just saying HYPOTHETICALLY like what IF that happened😀"

Atsumu wasn't too sure how he felt but it wasn't Sakusa's fault and it was just Komori so he didn't mind:
"Omi, it's fine if Komori knows😌 don't worry, as long as he doesn't tell anyone i'm ok💞"

Sakusa let out a relieved breath and told Komori that Atsumu didn't mind. Eventually Komori got bored and went home and Sakusa went to bed.

word count is:

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