🧡😷~A Kiss?!~😷🧡

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Everyone was divided into 2 different teams and they have been playing voleyball for almost 2 whole hours with close to no breaks.

Atsumu was exhausted but he didn't want to let his team down, so he just tried to stay as hyper as he could. They all played for another solid 30 minutes until no one could even stand anymore. Kita finally called a break for both teams and walked over to a bench to sit down.

Everyone was heavily breathing and on their ways to sit down wherever was comfortable for them. Atsumu, Osamu, Akagi and Suna were all sitting in a small group on the floor until Komori aka Sakusa's cousin, decided he wanted to say hi and perhaps join them for the break.

As much as Komori was 'annoying', teasy and weird around his team, he still got nervous when talking to people he didn't know too well. The only person he was 'close' with there was Akagi.

Komori slowly walked over to the chaotic friend group and cleared his throat:
"Heyy guys, do you mind if i join you?"

Everyone looked over to Komori and then turned to Akagi with a bunch if smirks on their faces. Akagi flushed red but was interrupted by Atsumu saying:
"I don't know Akagi, CAN he join us? 😏"

Akagi glanced over at Komori who was nervously smiling down at him:
"S-sure, if he wants t-to."

Komori let out a sigh of relief and excitement, then he quickly sat down next to Akagi and everyone went back to their normal conversation.

Komori was sitting awkwardly close to Akagi and he could tell that Akagi was well aware of that. He was moving and trying to nudge into a more comfortable position when Komori put his arm on his shoulder and whispered a short:
"Thank youu"

Akagi froze in place and blushed a very dark shade of red. The color was spread all over his face and went on till' the tip of his ears. He quickly shook his head and said:
"Yeah, no problem..."

After a bit of more chattering, Atsumu went to the bathroom and finally got to take a break from talking. He was washing his hands when he heard the door creak open. It was silent until he heard a quiet voice say:

Atsumu jumped away from the sink and faced Sakusa:
"Omi-kun, ya scared the crap outta me"

Sakusa chuckled and responded;
"Oh, sorry Atsu."

After those words there was an awkward silence between the two, so Atsumu came up with an... interesting way to start up a conversation:
"Sooo, are you gonna use the bathroom or what?"

Sakusa looked at him with an exaggerated face and said:
"Are you kidding me? I didn't bring any sanitizer with me. I could neverrr use the bathroom without disinfecting it!"

They both laughed and Kiyoomi continued:
"I actually just came here to get some alone time with you... even if it's in this absolutely disgusting school bathroom."

Atsumu felt his heart flutter and he smiled as he spoke:
"Well, im honored that you're willing to sacrifice going into this 'absolutely disgusting bathroom' just to see me Omi."

They both smiled and Sakusa thought of something he wanted to do:
"Hey, Atsu..?"


Sakusa:"Do you mind if i... y' know."

Atsumu: "I really don't 'know'"

Sakusa awkwardly chuckled and asked:
"Try to hold your hand again... since Suna kinda caught us last time."

Atsumu's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, Kiyoomi was finally getting comfortable around him and that made Atsumu very happy. He smiled and said:
"I don't mind at all.."

Atsumu had already washed his hands so Sakusa didn't mind touching them. They got closer to each other and connected their fingers together. It felt like heaven to the both of them. Sakusa wasn't even thinking about the germs, all he could do was stare into Atsumu's glowing and beautiful eyes.

They both smiled but Sakusa wasn't thinking straight when he suddenly put his mask down and pulled Atsumu into a short but sweet kiss. Atsumu stood there frozen as Sakusa's eyes widened and he smiled proudly:
"Oh.. my... god-" He laughed.

Sakusa: "That felt awesome... a-and i didn't even think about the germs!!"

Atsumu was outta shock and smiled widely with his mouth hung open and everything:
"Woah, Omii! I'm so proud of youu!"

Sakusa was almost in tears, it was such a small thing yet still a huge deal in his eyes. And to KISS his one and only! He just felt over the moon. The feeling of Atsumu's soft and warm lips made him feel way more comfortable.

Atsumu chuckled and said:
"Well, that sure was a big upgrade, i think you might've skipped a few steps.. like hugging me... or touching my face... or-"

Sakusa interrupted Atsumu, laughing and smiling:
"Ok ok, i will try to 'tOucH yoUr faAce' next time."

they both laughed a bit and after a few more minutes of chatting they decided to go back to the gym. After all they've been away for god knows how long, people may get suspicious. They quickly rushed out of the bathroom and sat down together.

Sakusa caught a glimpse of Komori smirking as he was turning over to face Atsumu. He got annoyed of course but ignored it due to the literal angel sitting in front of him.

After the break, they played a few more rounds and it was finally time for Inarizaki to hit the road back home. Everyone said their long lasting goodbyes and left except from Sakusa, Atsumu and Komori who somehow all managed to stay behind. Komori smirked at Atsumu and said:
"Sooo 😏"

Atsumu looked at Komori with a 'begging' face expression and asked:
"Komori, please DO NOT tell anyone. It's a huge secret that you weren't even supposed to know about."

Sakusa looked at Komori showing that he agreed with Atsumu. Komori smiled and said:
"My lips are sealed." while making a key gesture and locking his lips.

They all laughed one last time and finally spread apart...

GAHHH sorry for not updating sooner y'all🥲but lemme keep it short, ehem🦟Word count is:

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