🧡😷~This is the right moment~😷🧡

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'Phew that was close...'
thought Atsumu.

"You do know you'll have to tell him sooner or later right?" a familiar voice said.

Atsumu turned around to see Suna leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and eyebrows lifted.

He sighed:
"Yea i know but i just can't find the right moment to tell him..."

Suna started walking towards him:
"Well Atsu, i don't really think that there is something such as the 'right moment'. I do think that the sooner you tell him the sooner you will get to be relieved and happy again."

Atsumu had no words, he just stared at the ground deep in thought.

Suna smiled:
"Cmon now Sumu let's go back to practice."

"Yea i'll be there just umm give me a second."
Said Atsumu.

Suna just shrugged and left.

Atsumu quickly pulled out his phone and called Sakusa.

Sakusa answered:
"Hey babe whats up??"

Atsumu blushed at Kiyoomi's breathless and tired from practice voice:
"Hey Omii, umm listen i just spoke with Suna and i-i think i wanna tell Osamu about us..."

Sakusa chuckled at how nervous Atsumu sounded:
"Sure bee, whatever you want." he said smiling

"Atsumuu you better get out here now" Kita yelled

"Oops gotta go, love youuu byeee." said Atsumu and went back to practice.

The next morning Atsumu woke up and decided that today was the day, the day he would tell his brother about his Omi Omi.

He went downstairs and saw Osamu eating breakfast alone, he took a deep breath:
"I can do this..."

He started walking towards Osamu but heard someone say:
"What was that Tsumu?"

It was his mom, he sighed 'I guess it's too early for this anyway.'

"Nothing mom" he mumbled as he sat down next to his brother.

"Well Atsumu grab some toast and let's go, we're late for school" Said Osamu.

They got out of the house and started walking to school. Atsumu looked at Osamu 'Ok this is perfect its time t-'

"Oh hey guyss!" A familiar voice yelled.

Right when they were about to turn around they were tackled into a hug by the one and only Akagi.

"Heyyy Akagi." said Atsumu looking upset.

"What's wrong Atsu??" asked Osamu.

"Nothing let's just go to class" he said and walked off.

"Well that was weird." Said Akagi and shrugged.

'Ok, oook i will tell him at lunch.' Atsumu thought, still not giving up.

It was finally lunch time, Atsumu and Osamu were sitting together. Atsumu was too nervous to eat which Osamu noticed:
"Hey Atsu, why aren't you eating anything?" he asked sounding worried.

Atsumu sighed but his eyes lit up once he realized this was it, the right time:
"I've actually been meaning to tell yo-"

"Can i sit here?" someone said standing over Osamu.

"Oh Rin, of course you can, Atsumu was just telling me something." said Osamu.

"Oooo gossip??" said Suna chuckling and ruffling Atsumu's hair.

"Uhmm no don't worry about it."

"Whatever you say man." said Suna sitting down next to Osamu.

Atsumu had no hope left, he had completely given up so he just continued his day as he would.

Finally it was time to go home, Osamu and Atsumu were walking home.
"Sooo, what's been bothering you all day?"Osamu asked smirking slightly.

"H-how did you know something was bothering me?" said Atsumu nervously.

Osamu smiled:
"I didn't until you just admitted it, but cmon bro you can tell me anything."

Atsumu stopped and looked at Osamu, he took a deep breath 'Here i go' he thought:
"Listen Samu, I have been dating this guy for a few months now a-and he is really amazing and special to me. I don't really know your opinion on the LGBTQ community but if you could jus-"

He was cut off mid sentence by a big hug. He hugged back and was on the verge of tears. They let go when Osamu pulled away and put his hands on Atsumu's shoulders, speaking:
"Listen Atsu, you're my brother and best friend, i love you so much.I will always be here to support you through anything and everything, i will protect you and most importantly i will love you forever no matter what you do or who you love."

Atsumu couldn't help it anymore, he bursted into tears. Osamu hugged him once again and he started crying as well.

"Ahhh well, when can i meet this special guy?" asked Osamu wiping his tears and smiling.

Atsumu sniffled and replied:
"Well you sorta already know him..." Atsumu mumbled.


"Can i get a head start?" Atsumu asked raising an eyebrow.


"WHAT THE- WHY WOULD HE BE- y know what, one of us has to be the calm one here so if you'll excuse me i have t-" he started sprinting.

Osamu chased after him for 30 minutes until they got tired and decided to go home.

Thank you guys so much for the endless support on this book, i seriously cant believe it's about to his 30k reads, i just want to take the time to rewing back to the days where i would get excited by 3 or 5 reads. I think that is an insane accomplishment and i just wanna thank each and every one of the people reading this right now, even though i haven't updated in months and months all of you amazing people were here for me and supported me unconditionally thank you all very much. I will do my best to update as soon as i can.
This seriously makes me emotional just seeing everyone be so happy and feel welcomed in the comments puts a smile on my face thank you all once again💜
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