Chapter Five: Threat Escalation

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Frieza stops punching Vegeta, and turns to the furious Saiyan. Her muscle mass has increased noticeably. Her hair stands on end, but the band holding her hair back manages to stay intact. Articho's yellow pupils are refined and hold back the rage building up inside her. Looking angrily towards the emperor, she growls, "I won't hold back any longer; your death will be slow,"

"I've never seen this one before," A surprised Frieza tosses Vegeta into a cliff, and flies at her, thinking that she'll be the same as Vegeta; all bark, no bite. Articho easily sees his attack coming, and slams her fist into Frieza's stomach and then puts her hands together and slams him into the ground. Frieza backs off slightly, somewhat afraid of her.

"H-Hah! Y-You see Frieza, the legendary Super Saiyan is real; she is stood before you!" The injured Vegeta painfully chuckles. Frieza has enough of him and fires a beam through his heart, ending him. However, this infuriates Articho more, who quickly grabs and crushes Frieza's hand and slams him into the floor. As she is about to toss the tyrant around, Kakarot appears. He notices the bodies of Dende and Vegeta, and gets the gist of what happened. He respectfully buries Vegeta as Articho slams Frieza into the floor once more.

"So, you're that person from before," He says to Articho. She looks at him in anguish, and furrows her eyebrows.

"You remind me of someone I am going to kill," She growls bluntly in response. Her grip on Frieza's hand tightens heavily as she tosses him around effortlessly. Kakarot wants to assist, but the unpredictable fighting style of the raging Articho throws him off as he can't find an opening to come in and help. An annoyed Frieza powers up to combat Articho, who surprisingly waits this time. Using more power, Frieza charges at the Saiyans, and Kakarot strikes first with a kick across the face using his Kaioken technique. Articho punches Frieza in the gut, and kicks him back to Kakarot, who fires a beam at the tyrant.

Articho chases after him into the smoke, and slams her arm into his face and drags him forward, and then throws a large green ki ball towards him. As the smoke clears, Frieza attempts to fire a sharp ki beam towards Articho, who swats it aside and continues pummelling him. He powers up further to counter the raging female Saiyan; roughly 10% of his power. At first, he pressures her, but the use of Kaioken x4 by Kakarot and the jarring fighting style of Articho pushes Frieza back. Kakarot punches him across the face, and then flies after him and kicks him down. Articho catches him by grabbing him and slamming him into the floor. Kakarot could feel that as she fights, she gets stronger, and adapts to the situation at hand. 

"Damn it!" Frieza shouts, "You worms! I am the emperor of the universe!" He powers up further; beyond 25% of his power. Now with the clear advantage, he pressures Articho again, whose power continues climbing to meet his. Frieza punches her in the stomach and sends her into an island, and then turns to Kakarot.

"You really are something, Frieza," He says, "I'll have to use a higher multiplier of Kaioken." He powers up to Kaioken x10 and flies at Frieza again.

Meanwhile, Articho flares her ki out aggressively on purpose, disintegrating the island, and charges off after Frieza again. She finds the red glowing Kakarot and slams her fist into Frieza's chest, then grabs his tail and spins him around, and hurls him upwards. Kakarot fires a Kamehameha towards Frieza, who attempts to dodge it but Articho grabs his face and forces him into the large beam. The Emperor spins around and punches her, to no avail as she crushes his fist. Frieza fires a beam into her eyes and blinds her for a moment, letting him escape.

"Damn you!" The Emperor growls apon noticing the mostly unfazed Saiyan, who snarls in response. Frieza powers up to beyond half of his full power, and angrily charges the Saiyan down, but Kakarot dives after him and elbows the disgraced tyrant in the gut, and follows up with a Kaioken empowered combo attack. However, the emperor easily overpowers the Saiyan and kicks him into a cliff face, and follows up by throwing a large plateau of land with telekinesis. Articho grabs his tail again and spins him around at higher and higher speeds, and then throws him. However, Frieza is seemingly unfazed by this and stops himself before hitting the floor. He appears suddenly next to her, and tries kicking her towards the floor, however, an almost sun-like glow from something Kakarot is doing stops him.

"Monkey. What do you think you are doing?" He spits.

"Hmm... I don't know, what is she doing?" Kakarot says, as Articho looms above Frieza. The tyrant turns around, but before he can set eyes on the furious Saiyan, she slams a fist down on his head, slamming him into the floor. She then grabs his foot and effortlessly tosses him around, his face hitting the ground first every time.

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