Chapter Six: The Fruitless and the Furious

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While Frieza and Articho fought, Kakarot silently added strength to his attack; the spirit bomb. He knew that it would be the only way to beat him. Articho's strength, while mightily impressive, scales to meet any challenge at hand but doesn't grow fast enough. And Kakarot knew his body can't take a high enough Kaioken scale to fight Frieza alone and win.

"For a monkey, you surely are a smart one," Frieza mocks.

Articho furrows her eyebrows, "You talk bigger than you are strong," This frustrates the egoistical maniac, however the Saiyan strikes first with a strong beam attack. Frieza attempts to quickly move behind her, but she anticipates his movement, and the two clash, trading blow for blow. They are evenly matched, but it is obvious that Articho is adapting and improving, and that Frieza isn't used to fighting, let alone to even be matched.

"Filthy monkeys always need to learn their place. Your race will die on this lowly planet, fighting for noth-," Frieza tries talking smug, but Articho isn't here for chit-chat. She punches him in the gut, and follows up with an elbow to his face. They continue their duel as Kakarot expands his spirit bomb to nearly full strength. If Articho could lend her power then he could easily finish quickly, but she isn't in a state of mind to communicate. At least not well.

Kakarot notices as the two fight that Articho and Frieza are no longer even; the raging Saiyan now easily overpowers the galactic tyrant in raw strength. Every time they clash, Frieza takes more and more damage as Articho pressures him more and more each time. Articho grabs his tail and throws him towards the ground at unbelievable speed, and then chases after her prey. At the bottom of a small crater lies a cunning Frieza. He knows Articho will follow him down, and so is ready to finish the fight with a quick burst of power. The Saiyan lands on top of the crater's edge, and powers up a blast, preparing to do the same. However, neither of them were accounting for Kakarot's spirit bomb, which had been thrown towards the crater. Articho couldn't care less about it, but Frieza knows it could end him, hence his haste to try and stop it. He darts into the air, and tries forcing it back himself.

'You need to move, or you'll be caught in the blast,' Articho hears in her head. It isn't her own voice, but Kakarot's. She looks over to him. With a huff, she manoeuvres out of the way, and stands next to Kakarot. Frieza attempts to push the spirit bomb back as the faces of cliffs start to break away. The sheer force of the attack is pushing water and wind away from below it.

Despite his effort, Frieza falls into the spirit bomb, which explodes apon making contact with the ground. Water starts to fill into the crater produced in the ocean floor. Articho fights against the current to try and surface. Though difficult, she eventually breaks free and spots Kakarot and the others. Her mind is telling her to fight them. She knows that she shouldn't, but the desire to fight is strong. Articho lands next to the others, rage still engulfing her mind. She is attempting to subdue the urge to fight. Suddenly, a small beam flies towards her. Instinctively, she dodges it with ease, but it still connects with Piccolo, who took the hit for Kakarot.

"Didn't I tell you, worms? You will die on this planet, by my hand. And you monkeys will not stop me!" Frieza says, almost manic. He thrusts his hand forward, like he's grabbing something. Krillin starts moving upwards; Frieza grabbed him with telekinesis, "I hope you're not afraid of heights."

"S-stop, Frieza!" Kakarot shouts, desperately. Frieza grins, and clenches his hand.

"Help me, Goku!" Krillin yells back in vain as he explodes.

"No!" Kakarot grieves, watching the tatters of Krillin's gi fall.

Frieza looks at Kakarot with a dirty smirk, "Who will die next, then? Maybe the little one?"

"Y-You ruthless bastard!" Kakarot starts, which attracts Frieza's attention. He seems to shake with his words. Lightning starts to strike the island and waters nearby, "I won't let you get away with this!" He yells out, struggling his words. The ocean rocks roughly. Kakarot's hair stands on end. Rocks start pulling themselves out of the ground to float around him, "I am going to make you suffer!" A golden glow emanates from behind him as Kakarot struggles to keep his anger sealed. His voice roars out across the gloomy Namekian plains as his hair glows a brilliant gold. His pupils return as a shimmering green, but Kakarot's attitude isn't so pretty.

"W-What?!" Frieza stammers in shock.

"Go! Take Piccolo, find Bulma and leave!" Kakarot orders Gohan, who freezes in confliction, "Go now before I lose all reason!"

"O-Okay!" Gohan stammers, and then flies off with Piccolo. Frieza aims a beam at the young Saiyan, but Kakarot crushes his hand, and twists it backwards.

"Don't you dare try that," Kakarot growls, anger corrupting his words. Articho watches on in confusion, unsure how to react to the newly powered up Kakarot.

"W-What are you?" Frieza stutters in anguish.

"Don't you know? I am your fears immortalised. You wanted to avoid a Super Saiyan, but your actions created one," Frieza listens in horror, "I am Son Goku, and I am the legendary Super Saiyan!"

"No!" Frieza shouts back, and tries kicking him away to no avail. Nothing the galactic tyrant can go will work against fury itself, multiplied. Articho is itching to beat something up, and so flies at Frieza and slams her fist into his chest, sending him flying. Kakarot wants to fight him alone, but knows that Articho will not listen. He flies after Frieza, not giving him a chance to escape.

"You cannot win here, Frieza. Your actions have consequences, and we will deliver," Kakarot says. Frieza looks desperate. He fires an array of finger beams towards the Saiyans, but both dodge them with ease. One of them strikes an island nearby, decimating it and causing magma to spew out.

"Damn it all! If I'm dying then I'm taking you with me!" He shouts, before throwing a ball of purple energy towards the ground in an effort to blow up the planet. Lava spews everywhere, as the planet starts collapsing. The ground starts crumbling away, heating up due to the damage done to the crust. All that the three could see was smoke, lava and annihilation.

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