Chapter Seven: Climax of Power

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Frieza pants as lava spews out from the ground. Gigantic storms start to form with lightning striking rampantly. There's a large crater where Frieza had thrown his death ball, quite a sizeable one too. Electricity sparks out of the ground from within the crater.

"You failed, even in a last ditch effort. You really are useless," Kakarot says.

"I-I will not be made a fool of by monkeys!" Frieza shouts back. He tries powering up, his muscle mass slightly expanding before Kakarot charges him down and punches him in the cheek. Articho joins in and grabs Frieza by the head, slamming her own into his. She might not have the advantage in raw strength to Frieza, but the unusual fighting style combined with a constantly shifting powerlevel throws him off every time.

"Give up, Frieza. You stand no chance here," Kakarot orders, but Frieza tries bargaining with his fighting urge.

"D-Don't you want to see me at my full power? Don't you want to see if you can beat me fairly?" He requests.

"Fine. Make it worth my time or you will die in pain," Kakarot obliges. Frieza powers up as the planet continues to degrade. The ground crumbles away to molten lava, and the sky is dominated by thick, heavy smoke. Frieza finishes powering up and hits Kakarot in the stomach with his elbow, and kicks him to the ground. He then charges at Articho, but she knew he was coming and slams her fist into his stomach, causing Frieza to cough up blood. Kakarot reappears behind the tyrant and punches him in the kidney. Frieza at full power could easily take on Articho at the moment, and could fight Kakarot nigh-on evenly, but fighting both of them was out of his league. Suddenly, the sky darkens, and Frieza speaks up after noticing it.

"What the..? This planet is going to give up sooner than I expected. I'd give it about five minutes," He says, trying to apply pressure to the Saiyans. Kakarot notices the eternal dragon, Porunga. Articho backhands Frieza, but this causes him to notice Porunga as well, "Wait, is that..?" Frieza realises his opportunity, and flies towards the dragon to try and get his wish granted. Kakarot and Articho rush after him, and Kakarot catches him first, slamming his knee into Frieza's back.

"You're not having any wishes," Kakarot declares. Articho catches up to the duo, but Frieza tries targeting her. However, her power was escalating the entire time, letting her easily stop Frieza's attacks. He tries firing beams from his fingers again, but she throws a small shield of green energy in the way. She charges through the shield, and punches Frieza, who manages to block her blow. The two clash across the sky, before Kakarot joins in and turns the tide against Frieza again. Frieza manages to slip away in the chaos created by Articho, and tries to make a wish to the dragon.

"Dragon! I want eternal life, you hear me?! Give me immortality!" He orders, but the dragon holds still, unreactive. Suddenly, the dragon springs to life, his voice booming over the dying planet.

"Very well, I shall grant it. I shall move everyone on Namek to Planet Earth, except for these two," Porunga obeys, referring to Kakarot and Frieza.

"W-What!?" Frieza barks, but then notices a small Namekian child on the ground; Dende had made the wish, "You little..!" He tries firing a blast towards Dende, but he disappears before the blast connects. Vegeta then appears, and Kakarot notices him.

"Welcome back, Vegeta," He greets the Prince, who chuckles back apon noticing his form.

"Kakarot, you bastard. You did it! You're a Super Saiyan!" He smirks.

"B-But I killed you! Y-You must be a ghost!" Frieza shouts.

"Oh yeah? Well can a ghost do this?!" He fires a blast at Frieza, before being transported to Earth.

"What the hell is happening?!" Frieza yells, angrily. Articho then vanishes from Namek, and reappears on Earth.

"Huh? W-We're on Earth?" Bulma says. Articho can't see her, but can hear her voice. She can hear some rustling, and then someone landing on the ground, "Oh, Gohan!"

"Hey Bulma! We must've been sent to Earth by the dragon balls!" Gohan says. Articho notices a branch from the tree she's in is stuck on part of her damaged battle armour, and tries to free herself. She can hear a humming sound; Dende must be healing someone below her.

"There you go," Dende says.

"You're... Dende?" Piccolo asks. He was the Namekian fighting Frieza before he transformed, "What happened?"

"I think someone used dragon balls to wish us back to life," Dende explains. Articho uses a short burst of ki to remove the branch and falls out of the tree, landing on her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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