Chapter Two: Circus Fighters

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Articho stands up, her legs aching from staying still for so long. She had decided to go with the trio to 'somewhere else', wherever that might be. She tries to keep silent for the entire flight however her curiosity gets the better of her.

"Who are you three?" She asks cautiously.

"I'm Gohan, he's Krillin and her name's Bulma," Gohan answers. It's clear that the kid is excited to see another friendly Saiyan, not one ready to put their lights out.

"It's nice to meet you," Bulma says. The young woman doesn't seem to be a natural flyer, considering that Gohan is carrying her across the planet.

"Here should do," Krillin says, suddenly flying down. Gohan, who is carrying Bulma, follows him, as does Articho. A small gap between two large rocks is where Krillin had chose. Gohan puts Bulma down and she immediately starts making herself at home. Articho lands next to the sea, sitting down to watch the waves. Gohan and Krillin both fly off seemingly instantly headed towards a group of powerlevels, and likely also the dragon balls.

Articho wasn't sure just how long she'd been sat watching the sea but she could sense five new powers near Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan. She decides to investigate, considering that the young boy is now stronger. Landing nearby she sits to watch Vegeta fight a tall, bald and dim-witted flamboyant male. Adorned in a damaged battle suit, the fighter is clearly stronger than Vegeta, ably beating him. Articho knows that she can beat him; easily so. However, she doesn't want to get involved; Vegeta would reject her help because of his pride, and she simply doesn't want to fight.

However, she is drawn in the fight as Vegeta gets beaten beyond continuation of his fight; Gohan and Krillin are in a worse state. Articho stands up reluctantly, and walks over to her opponent. All eyes are on this seemingly harmless girl, who looks to be approaching death with open arms. However, Vegeta is more intrigued by her black tail; he thought that there was no more female Saiyans, let alone one old enough to have been born on Vegeta. But there she stood; a young adult female Saiyan.

"Another fighter!" Her dull-witted opponent shouts happily.

"I wouldn't be so ignorant," She says, calmly. She carefully raises her power and drops into a fighting stance. He, as before against Vegeta and the Earthlings, obliviously charges at her. Articho stands still, seemingly open to attack. He closes in, before she spins around and kicks him across the face, spinning him into a rock.

"What? How is that possible?" One of his friends stood aside blurts, "With only a powerlevel of 32,371?!"

"Woah, mate, get your eyes checked. I don't think that's possible!" The other replies.

"Hey! That one hurt!" He jumps out of the rock, and charges back at her. Articho easily avoids each hit he tries throwing. She slams her fist into the idiot's chest, keeling him over. He springs back, almost looking scared. The others watch on, bewildered. Then, her opponent bends down slightly, "Alright then! This is payback; my ultimate move! Recoome Ultr-"

Suddenly, a new face appears. He elbows Articho's opponent in the stomach, knocking him out. "Sorry to butt in, but I didn't want to miss the fun!" He giggles innocently. Something strikes Articho and she suddenly turns away. Vegeta looks intensely; curious about her. She has bandages wrapped around her right arm with scars down her left. A torn armour covers her body from jaw to foot, and a tattered cloak is around her neck. Vegeta could easily guess she was from a war-torn past of sorts simply from her clothes; how bad is anybody's guess though. Somehow Gohan and Krillin were back on their feet, as if they had never fought. The new person turns to the other two, who clearly want to fight him. They start fighting in the sky, the newcomer holding his own against the two.

"Woah, I can't see them!" Gohan shouts, excitement running through him.

"I can," Articho mentions. Gohan and Krillin look to her, curious to know what is going on, "He has them on the backfoot."

"Go Dad!" Articho looks down to him, stunned for a moment before looking back up. The blue opponent is now face down on the floor with the red alien clearly shaken by what he is seeing. He suddenly flies away; Articho resists blasting him out of existence. She notices the new person is going to move to the group she is with and so vanishes to a safe distance to watch, her ki lowered massively to stay hidden.

"Hey, where did that person go?" Asks the colourful new person; he is wearing a bright orange and blue gi that almost resemble pajamas.

"I don't know. She was acting a little weird when you got here," Krillin remarks. Two people fly in; the red one from before and a purple one with two horns on his head.

"Gohan, Krillin, you two go check up on Bulma. Vegeta and I will fight these two." He says.

"A-Alright," Krillin replies. He turns away with Gohan, and flies off, "Good luck, Goku!"

"Wait, so Ginyu, if you're here, where's Frieza?" Vegeta asks, obviously up to something.

"Cleaning up after some remaining Namekians," The purple one responds; his name must be Ginyu then.

"And the dragon balls are at his ship?"

"That is correct,"

Vegeta smirks, "Oh. Well, I hate to leave you to it, Kakarot, but..." He flies away, obviously heading for the dragon balls.

"Damn it, Vegeta!" Goku shouts in vain. Articho decides to follow Vegeta as her being with this 'Goku' would only worsen her mental strength.

Arriving at Frieza's spaceship, Vegeta blasts the weaklings protecting it, and enters. Articho decides to follow loosely. Vegeta changes into clean armour, and mutters something to himself about the dragon balls. Articho loosens the suppression on the tip of the iceberg of her power and readies to ask Vegeta a question.

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