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Meanwhile, at Potter Manor, Lily could be seen sitting on the bed in her and James' room, looking at what appeared to be a photo album. She was gently caressing a photo of a baby boy. Upon closer inspection, it became evident that it was a picture of the twins when they were just born, and Lily was specifically caressing baby Harry's picture. Lost in her memory lane, she didn't notice James entering after putting Lyra to sleep.

Observing Lily's distant gaze, James came and sat beside her, curious about what had captured her attention. Upon seeing the photo, even James couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. Although he missed Harry, he wasn't as expressive about it as Lily. Taking Lily in a side hug, he brought her out of her thoughts. Seeing James, she started to cry, expressing her deep yearning for their baby. However, they couldn't visit Harry, as Dumbledore had given them specific orders after returning from delivering Harry to Petunia.

Unbeknownst to the Potters, Dumbledore had placed Harry on the doorstep with a letter explaining the situation to Petunia. All they could do now was wait and pray for Harry's well-being and happiness growing up.

James: Lily, sweetheart, please don't cry. I know you miss him, and I do too, really. But it was our decision to keep Harry away from all this drama.

Lily: I know, James, but I just miss him so much. He's my baby boy, but he can't live with us for his own good. But, James, do you think Petunia will accept him and love him as her own son? She hates magic, James. What if she hates Harry too? She never liked me after I started attending Hogwarts. She was horrible towards me. What if she gives the same treatment to Harry? No, James, we can't let that happen. Let's go... let's go and bring our baby back to us.

James: Lily, sweetheart, calm down, okay? Calm down first and then listen to me carefully, okay?

Lily: Hmm.

James: Good. Now tell me, do you agree that if we keep Harry with us, we can't give him our full attention as we will be busy with Lyra's training almost all the time?

Lily: Yes...

James: Yes. Now, don't you think if that happens, Harry will hate us for not giving him the attention, the love he deserves?

Lily: Yes, James, you are right. But you can't blame me. I'm his mother, and I don't like it even a bit that my baby has to live with others when we, his parents, are alive.

James: So do you think I like it? Even I don't like it, Lily. For me, my babies are the same. I don't care if one is a girl who lived and the other is not. They are my babies, and I love them equally. It pains me too not having Harry with us. But we are doing this for them only. So just have some patience, and soon we will have both our babies with us.

Lily: Yes. I just hope Harry will be fine and will forgive us in the future for this.

James: Yeah, I hope so too. Now come, let's sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. We have an Order meeting to attend, remember?

Lily: Yeah, let's sleep. Goodnight, James.

James: Good night, honey. (giving her a loving kiss)

Soon, they both slept soundly, hugging each other.


Hey, guys. Sorry for the late and also short update. But my semester exams are going on, and as I'm a PG student, our teacher is expecting so much from us. I will try to update more regularly after my exams. Ignore any mistakes. Happy reading!

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