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The Field

The founders, Merlin and the Elder Potter couple, could be seen sitting on a circular sofa. Euphemia was able to control her emotions, and anyone could see the fire in her eyes now. The fire which would soon burn the mere existence of Dumbledore down. 

It was time to leave. The plan had been made, and now it's time to execute it. They all decide to meet again after the first part of the plan gets completed. The founders and Merlin bid adieu to the Elder Potter couple. Soon the morning came, and the Potters got ready to execute plan one.

"Ready, my dear?" Euphemia asked her husband. "Yes, let's do it." Soon, he could be seen murmuring something in ancient language. There was a blast of power, and in front of the Potter couple stood a large Griffin. He was transparent, as if made up of a large bubble of water, destructible. But the power he radiated was immense. Fleamont used the Potter family magic. The Griffin gave a nod to the Potter couple and vanished from their sight.

The plan they made was simple. Merlin had asked Lord Potter to use Potter family magic. The thing about family magic is that only Most Ancient & Noble houses and Ancient & Noble houses possess it. In older times, these families were the only ones who used to govern magical societies. So lady magic gave them this power as protection for their families. 

But later on, other Noble houses and Order of Merlin holders started to take seats in government, and the use of family magic stopped almost completely. But now, this magic is only something which is going to help the Potter family get free from under Dumbledore's influence. It will remove all the traces of potions or magic which is harmful to the Potter family members.

The Potter Mansion

It was a restless night for the young Potter couple. They both were thinking about their lives. Unlike others who were busy celebrating the defeat of the Dark Lord, the Potters were just mourning over their destiny. They weren't able to find anything about Harry or Sirius that day too, and the only thing they were doing is praying that Harry is with Sirius.

Like this all night went, and morning came. They both got up from the bed at the same time and started doing their daily chores. Remus was staying in the guest room, who also, like the Potter couple, was unable to sleep.

In no time, Lily prepared breakfast for them and baby food for Lyra, while James was getting ready for the day. Unlike others, baby Lyra was in a happy mood. She didn't cry once when James started to get her ready and also didn't make a fuss about the clothes.

He soon came to the dining area with the baby and sat after placing her on the high chair beside him. Remus was there already, helping Lily to put the breakfast on the table. "It seems our princess is in a good mood today. I didn't hear her cry even once," Lily said to no one particularly.

"Yes, even I'm surprised. She didn't make any fuss today. I hope she is okay," James asked, suddenly getting concerned for his baby's health.

"Don't worry, James. She must have seen some good dreams last night. She seems happy so let her be," Remus replied to him, and Lyra giggled looking at James, as if telling him she is fine. James smiled too and started to have his breakfast. Lily kept quiet, feeding Lyra and then having herself.

In no time, their breakfast was completed, and they all moved to the living area. Lily put Lyra on the ground, over a carpet where all her toys were kept by the house elf. She started playing with her toys while the elders sat on the sofa.

"What do you think, Remus, what should we do now? I'm getting very concerned about both Harry and Sirius," Lily spoke out her fears to Remus. But what could he say, he himself was getting a headache while thinking about all the possibilities regarding his godson and best buddy.

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