Chapter 5

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Emma's POV

He is angry,

Like really angry, I can literally feel the fumes coming out of his ears. I do know for a fact that the stunt I did was highly unacceptable, but I'm curious, can you blame me?

"Curiosity kills the cat Emma" I here Aaron mutter under his breath.

"Shit! I told it out loud?"

He sighs and looks at me when he stops the car at the signal, "why are you doing this Emma?"

"Doing what?" I look elsewhere and say.

"Stop acting innocent and answer the bloody question!" he yells, I flinch at his tone, his eyes soften a little seeing my reaction, but I understand where he is coming from.

"Look I'm just-"

"No, you are right" I cut him in between.


I look at him and say "you are right, I should be minding my own business, I just.. "

"Forget it, thanks for the ride Aaron." with that said I just leave, not realizing that I left my phone in the central console of his car.

I look back at him and see him frantically calling me, telling me to come back. but I shake my head and start running to a random street near me, I take numerous turns and look back feeling satisfied that I lost him.

I stop running, panting slightly and look around not recognizing the place I am in,

"You lost little one?" I hear a manly voice ask from behind. I turn around to find a really, really, like fucking really! bulky man looking down at me with a smirk on his face. My eyes travel from his beautiful black hair, to his muscular biceps covered in tattoos, like there is no room for skin to be seen anymore, didn't it hurt him?

"No it didn't baby doll" he chuckles.

Not again! I smack myself internally.

"I'm Trison" he says offering his cigarette.

"No thanks, I would like some vodka, by the way I'm Emma" I say with the new found confidence I have gained recently.

"You are lucky, I know a place that offers unlimited vodka and entertainment"

"Lead the way then."

What the hell are doing getting yourself into Emma? my subconscious asks, "TROUBLE" I think to myself and follow Trison.

It just took few minutes to reach the place Trison told about, it's not a bar or a club it's a huge ground with loads of people whooting and putting bets for some reason that I need to find out.

"This way" Trison says and leads us to the private area, the guards outside greet me with fear, almost as if I'd eat them alive!

"Where are we?" I ask him not able to contain the question within me anymore.

"I was actually wondering why you didn't ask me the question sooner." He chuckles,

"Underground death ring baby doll" he winks at me, I look at him weirdly.

"Why would anyone want to die here?"

"It's a no rules boxing competition" He says while pouring me a drink, I take the bottle directly and gulp a large amount of the toxic liquid.

"Slow down tiger" He says taking the bottle from me, I roll my eyes and snatch it away from him, settling on the couch next to me

"I'm alcohol tolerant"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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