Chapter 4

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Emma's POV:
"Wake up!!!"

"Wake up!!"

"Go away" I say and try to go back to sleep.

"Wake up!!!"

I don't react at all, hoping that they will get the hint and just leave!

"Dennis look. I think it's her diary!" I hear Alex say.

I immediately jerk up from my bed and snatch the book from her. "Don't you dare touch it!" I grit out angrily.

"Woah! Calm down, fine I won't touch it." She says lifting her hands in surrender.

"Touch what?" Another voice asks entering the room.

I turn towards the door, and I swear to the freaking avo toast I love! Aaron looks like a hot fucking sexy ass mess! All wet probably from the swim he must have had.

"You have some drool, Em." Alex whispers chuckling slightly. I smack her stomach with my elbow and hide the diary under my bed.

But I notice Aaron watching my actions.

Shit! I need to change it's place.

"Be ready by 7pm. We will pick you up then, Ok?" Alex asks me. I nod my head in response taking my phone, checking for any messages.

"She is not coming Alex" Aaron yells suddenly. I look up at them and my eyes furrow in confusion.

"Why? She is your sister, she has the right to know about you" Alex says.

"Step sister" He grits out.

"Ok! But she is coming tonight, I want her to"

"No, Alex! I can't take her responsibility." Aaron says loosing his patience.

"I don't need a baby sitter" I interrupt them.

"Oh! Look 'the little baby grew up'" he says sarcastically.

"I'm not a kid anymore Aaron! And I can very well take care of myself" I state standing up.

"Oh really? I'm pretty sure you are still a virgin! Emma coming to college being friends with your seniors doesn't make you older"

"And loosing my virginity also doesn't make me older, brother!" I emphasise the last word just to irritate him even more.

"I'm going to where ever Alex is taking me, end of the fucking discussion!" I state and make my way towards the washroom.

Just before I close the door, "oh! by the way, I'm not a virgin, brother" I wink, saying so I close the door behind me.

Now that's called standing up for yourself confidently!
Aaron' POV: (I know! *squeals* ;)

Damn it! That fucking temptress! She looked so fucking hot when she was furious, that confidence? Where did she get it from?

She said she isn't a virgin..

When did she loose it? I always had an eye on her when I was home.

"I smell jealousy here" Alex teases me.

I roll my eyes and point towards the closed door, "SHE IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY, anything happens tonight I'm not going to answer my mother, remember that." With that said I leave the room.

"Aaron wait! Where are you going?" I hear voices ask behind me.

I ignore them and head towards my car.

I bang steering wheel,


I'm frustrated, I don't know why? Why do I have this sudden urge to knock someone out?!

"Relax you will be doing that anyway." My subconscious tries to calm me down.

I hear a knock on my window, Natalie.

"This women!" I grumble and roll my window down.

"What?" I snap at her.

"Aaron.. baby.. I'm bored wanna hang out?" She asks pouring her boobs on my window.

"Leave me the fuck alone Natalie" I say angrily and retrieve my car, making her loose balance and fall flat on the ground.

I notice eveyone laughing at her, I shouldn't have done that.

But I don't care.

I park my car opposite to our campus, since I have to go to the grounds anyway, and personal cars are not allowed there.

I sigh deeply and notice it's almost time, the cab to pick me up will be here soon.

"Gosh! Emma!!" I yell at myself.

Few minutes pass by and a tap on my window startles me, I look up to see who it is and to my utter shock it's her.

What is she doing here?

Wait.. how did she know I am here?

"Roll your window! I'll answer your questions" her muffled voice says.

She is just your step sister Aaron! Chill the fuck out! Why are you getting affected by her? I make a mental note to myself.

"How did you get here?" I ask her surprised.

She flips her hair on her shoulder leaning towards the window.


"I have my ways" she winks.

I am astonished with this sudden confidence she has gotten, to be honest I find it sexy.

"What the hell man?" My subconscious comments.

"Hold on" she says and starts to remove her sneakers, she hands them over to me and I look at her weirdly.

What the hell is she doing now? God! This girl makes me tired without doing anything!

My eyes widen and realisation hits me when she starts to keep her leg into my window!

"No Emma! Don't fucking do that!"

I start pushing her leg back which she somehow managed to get into my window!

"Let me in through that door then." She points towards the passenger side,

"hell no!"

"Fine, then" she says and jumps in one move and both her legs are on my lap!

"Jesus! Her ass landed right there!!"

She realises what she has done when she feels the hard rock poking her ass, a deep blush creeps onto her cheeks making her look even more ravishing than she is now.

Her lavender filled scent enclosing my car, her dark eyes holding innocence, her medium length hair covering her shoulder that I would love to-

"Hello?" Emma snaps her fingers at me.

I push her into the passenger seat,

"what the-"

"Buckle up"

I start my car angrily, clearly not liking what is happening.

Thanku for the patience guys!

Will be updating soon, let me know ur thoughts about the chapter, I would love to know!


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