Chapter 1

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Emma's POV:
"Emma! Wake up dear."

"Fuck Mom!" I whine, and toss on the car seat.

Ha! Gotcha! You thought I would say on my bed, or in my messy room right? Nah, I'm different.

I shift a little and open my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight that was piercing my eyes and would practically make me blind!

Just kidding!

"So, are you excited?" My overly happy mother asks me. I roll my eyes  unlocking my seat belt.

"I'm just going to college mom" I say taking my suit cases out of the trunk.

"That's not what I'm saying, aren't you excited about reuniting with your big brother after a year?" She points out.

"No. Nothing exciting, I'm just going to live my life, and he will live his"

I start to walk towards the entrance of the college while my mother on the other hand starts blabbering about college life and shitty stuff.

'Kingston college'

It isn't that far from my home. Actually this college seems like high school to me, it's just an hour away from home.

Since my brother, actually "stepbrother", Aaron goes to the same college, hence my  "dear mum" insisted me to stay in the same dorm he lives in.

The administration was skeptical about this whole stepbrother thing but they eventually gave in.

"I think it's that way" my mom says turning to the right of the hallway, I sigh deeply and just follow her.

So let me fill you guys a little about my family, I'm basically adopted, not legally, since I was thrown in some river when I was 8 months and my father, Dr. Matthew Klien, a pediatrician, found me almost drowning to death.

Long story short, my dad Matthew and his wife Sofia had a baby boy; Aiden, who was 5 years old. Since Sofia fell in love with my big Green eyes, they kept me and considered me as their own daughter.

3years later, Sofia died in an accident and it took a huge toll on my father, he distanced himself from us and worked over night too.

He knew that my brother Aiden couldn't take care of me alone, so he married Elizabeth aka my stepmother who is eating my ears out right now!

Aiden followed our dad's footsteps and joined medical school.

And I wanted to become a model, but my dear dad made it clear that I couldn't pursue that carrier untill I completed my college. So here I am stuck in this college for 3 whole years!

"Yes! 303 that's the room!" My mom shouts gaining everyone's attention towards us. I groan silently and pull my mother towards the room she pointed at.

I love Elizabeth, I truly do. She is the best mom I could ask for, she is kind, caring, understanding and most of all very patient. Replacing my mum Sofia wasn't hard for me since I was very young when she died so I barely remembered her.

But sometimes Elizabeth  can be  little annoying. Like she is right now!

"I'm really hoping he kept the room clean orelse I-"

My mom cuts mid sentence and stops, my head bumps with her back and I groan in frustration.

"Mom! What now?" I ask her annoyed.

She doesn't reply but makes us move aside, and a beautiful blonde girl, fully embarrassed walks out of the room wearing her bra and a very tight mini skirt that looks like her underwear. I roll my eyes and push past my mother into the room.

"Well, hello little sister" a deep British accent calls out.

Just forgot to mention, mom and  Aaron are from London. So you know where the sexy accent comes from..

I gulp nervously and look up to those jet black eyes that always intimidated me.

Get grip on yourself Emma! I chant to myself.

"Don't you own a shirt?" I ask him confidently.

He raises his eyebrow and shrugs "No pleasantries little sis? Well then that should be fine with me"

I roll my eyes at him, making my way towards my bed in the corner of the room.

He holds my arm and stops me, his breath tickles my insides as he whispers "you don't interfere in my life, I won't in yours. I hope I made myself clear?"

I nod my head in response as his voice made me all jittery and fussy in my stomach. He then leaves without even acknowledging our mother in the room.

"Oh god! He became such a jackass over a year!" She exclaims sitting on my bed.

I laugh it out saying "it really doesn't matter mom, we will mind our own businesses and that should do fine."

"But he is your elder brother and it's his responsibility to take care of you" she grumbles under her breath.

I don't comment on it and continue to unpack my stuff and set my desk up.

Aaron is Elizabeth's son, so that's how he became my brother, actually "stepbrother".  He was 4 years old and a very  angry kid back then, Aiden always protected me from all the mischief he used to do.

Now, since I'm going to college just for the sake of completing it, my mom insisted me to join with Aaron, so that she can have her 2 kids close to her.

"Sweety, I'll get going. I need to cook for your dad tonight." My mom interrupts my thoughts.

"Dad's coming home tonight?" I ask her shocked.

"Yeah.. I- I forgot to mention" she says looking at me with sad eyes.

"He wasn't even there to tell me goodbye" I whisper looking down at my feet, my dad completely detached from me after Sofia  passed away.

Till today I don't know why?

"It's ok honey, he will get along" she says and kisses my forehead.

"I'll come and pick you up this weekend" she calls out and leaves the room.

I sigh and look around, so this is it. I'm officially in a college.

And my roommate is my stepbrother.


Hey guys!!

Hope you liked the 1st chapter! Comment down below what you think about it.. I would love to know.

I'll try to update as regular as possible. Please don't hate me😅

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