Chapter 3

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Today's shout is for my dear friend livykittykat

Great person to approach, kind hearted and a really good writer. Do check out her books guys! I'm sure u will like them!😇

Now.. onto the book..


Emma's POV:



"Fucking hell!" I curse to myself when I land hard on the ground. I look around hoping that no one saw me trip over a freaking twig! Thankfully the park was empty.

I limp towards the swing and sit on it inspecting my new wound on my knee.

Wonderful! Last night glass scraped my arm, now I fell! Fucking great!

"Oh shit! Are you ok?" A voice says startling me, I look up and find Dennis and the blonde from the cafeteria looking back at me and also observing my knee.

"Look, I couldn't even change my shirt since I witnessed your 'best friend' getting a blow job in the fucking washroom, now to delete that memory I came running and fucking tripped on a stupid twig. So please do me a favor and leave!"

Both of their faces hold a shocked expression because of what I just rambled out. To be honest I want to go home, this was the shitiest day in my life, I couldn't make friends, I was targeted, I witnessed my brother getting an orgasm and now I fell and scraped my fucking knee.

I think I have had enough for just a day.

The blonde recovers first and comes closer to me, she offers me her hand. I look at her if she grew 10 heads or something?

Does she think I'm stupid?

"No I think you are cool as fuck" she says. Shit! I just said that aloud!

I take her hand and shake it giving a small smile, "I'm Emma" I introduce myself to her.

"I'm Alex and I love you"

I laugh out loud, and wink at her saying "Well, I'm irresistible." "Damn, you are really good" Dennis interwines.

I smile at them as they both take a seat on the big rocks right across me. "Why are you being so friendly suddenly? Are you trying to be nice to me, so that you can spill my dark secrets to the whole college and ruin me?"

"Do you have any dark secrets?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

I shrug "non I can remember off"

"Well, I'm genuinely sorry for what happened back in the cafeteria because it wasn't for you, it was for Natalie who didn't show up"

"Oh.. it's alright" I tell her nodding my head. "That's it? Aren't you going to react with anger or something?" Dennis asks.

I shake my head and say "she explained what happened, I don't hold grudges; forgive and forget" Alex grins at me saying "You are officially my girlfriend"

I choke on my saliva, and look at her with wide eyes "but you were fucking my brother yesterday?" I ask her.

"You don't have a filter to your mouth do you?" She chuckles, "and no, I wasn't fucking your brother. To be honest we never did too, I was just sleeping in his dorm, that's it"

"Wait! Did you just say brother?" Dennis asks us, "uhm.. yeah I guess" I try to make it sound as if it isn't a big deal.

"Yeah Aaron told me about Emma, I knew they were siblings. Actually 'step sister'" Alex clarifies Dennis doubt.

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