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The sound of blood rushing through her ears blocked out the commotion around her. Complaints aimed at her recklessness were drowned out by the adrenaline pumping through her system. There was one thing on her mind at the moment, and it certainly wasn't the dozens of nurses and doctors clad in white apparel barking instructions and yelling for her to slow down.

Blurs of white hallways passed through her peripheral vision as she skidded around a corner. She inwardly cringed at the squeaking sound of her shoes gliding across the marble floors. She pushed herself to run faster than before when she spotted his cell door at the end of the corridor.

This was it. After a year of dreading this very moment, it had arrived, and there was nothing she could do about it.

April tenth had been seared into her mind. When Ava Paige broke the news to her, she kept a strong front, knowing fully well that it would come at some point. But now that today happened to be that date, she couldn't bare to let him get thrown into that hellhole.

Not after all they've been through.

Not after the late nights sneaking out of the facility and laying out under their favorite oak tree to watch the stars and gaze at the moon. Not after the countless play fights and competitions that commenced just beyond his door. There was no way she could let him go that easily, but there was no choice.

Without knocking, she threw the metal door open. She peered around the room for her friend, but before she could realize, arms wrapped around her body tightly, engulfing her tiny, little pre-teen body.


With that single soft spoken word, Mae wrapped her arms around her best friend's neck, nuzzling her face into his shoulder. His scent of strawberries and mint overtook her system completely. The world paused only for a moment, just for them. Her hazel eyes stung with tears, but she didn't dare let them fall. She would stay strong for him.

"Oh, Newt," she murmured into his shoulder. His grip tightened. "I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," he sniffed. "You have nothing to do with this."

Her stomach dropped at his words. His accent was usually enough to make her melt into a calm state of mind where no one could hurt her, but now, all she heard was the terrified voice of a little boy fighting a fight he couldn't win.

"They can't take you."

"That's not your choice to make," he cried. "They could kill you if you try to stop them."

Mae stayed silent and just held him. She rubbed his back comfortingly. She was trying her best to hold it together, but his dread filled words made it almost impossible. All she wanted was to stay in this moment forever. She wished everything would just disappear and Newt would drag her away to sit under their oak tree until the world finally caved in once and for all. At least then they would be together.

She slowly retracted her arms. Newt whimpered slightly at the loss of his friend's touch but pulled away as well.

Mae reached up to her neck and unclipped the necklace she had worn ever since she had arrived at WICKED. All she could remember was that her mother gave it to her a long time ago, and she had never once taken it off.

Mae ran her thumb over the small crescent shaped moon charm on the chain with a tiny smile. She looked up at Newt, who stared back with a confused expression.

She reached up to push some of his hair out of his face. "Just remember to brush your hair in there, you know how tangled it gets."

He chuckled quietly. "I won't be able to remember anything, love."

Her smile melted into a frown. That would be her fault.

"Then at least take this to try and remember me," she whispered, clipping the necklace around his neck.


"Don't," Mae smiled. "You'll make up for it someday."

Newt's eyes filled with gratitude. He wrapped his arms around her body once more, holding onto her like a lifeline. Mae willingly returned the favor.

"I'm scared," he whispered into her hair.

"I would think you were stupid if you weren't," she chuckled. "It'll be okay. I promise."

"I'll miss you, Mae," Newt said. "I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you even more, Newt."

"No way."

"Yes way."

Hello, my spicy peppers, how's everyone doing today?

So, we're completely starting over. Same plot and everything but somewhat better writing. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all!



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