All I Want Is You

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My first short story! I hope you all enjoy. Remember, if you want one just let me know!



I slightly leaned on my closed locker trying to think. It was finally the weekend and I could catch up on very much needed sleep. I could clean my room and fold those clothes that's been sitting in my chair for over a week. Sleep sounds better though.


I turned around and saw my best friend Jojo jogging towards me. He was my friend since birth because our moms had a weird pregnancy pack thing in high school. We were always close which made people assume we were dating but I don't see JoJo like that, and vice versa.

"Hey Jojo." I smiled hugging him. "Wassup?"

"Theres a party tomorrow at my house." He smirked. Jojo was the party animal of our duo while I was the sleepy friend. If I don't answer my phone or you haven't heard from me in a couple hours, it simply means I'm sleep.

"And please don't say you'll be sleep cami." He groaned causing me to giggle. See?

"I'll come to your party Jojo." I said causing him to smile.


"Aye Cami!"

I turned around and my heart beat sped up instantly. Lately, random people have been talking to me more and I don't know why. I mean I know I'm not ugly or anything but I stay in the background for a reason. I'm just trying to graduate and I don't need anymore friends. The two that I have are enough for me.

"Why is Chris coming over here?" Jojo whispered as Chris made his way over.

I shrugged and whispered back. "Honestly jojo, I didn't even know the boy knew my name."

Chris was a star player on our basketball team and he was smart as hell too. He was never mean to me per say he just never spoke to me out loud unless in class or we had a project together. He wasn't the mean type of popular, he actually will talk to anyone and so would his friends.

He finally approached us and nodded his head at Jojo.

"I heard about your party tomorrow, I'll be there if I'm invited."

I wanted to pass out and I knew jojo did too but he had to remain cool.

"Hell yea you're invited bro! You can bring your friends too." Jojo said smiling. Aww I love this for him.

"Bet, do you mind if me and Cami talk a lone for a minute?" He said finally looking at me. My heart started to speed up again.

"Not a problem and Cami, I'm waking you up early tomorrow because you're helping set up so get some sleep." He smirked backing away.

"Yea yea yea." I said shooing him.

When Jojo was out of sight, I brought my full attention to Chris. I never realized how tall he was until I had to slightly look up at him.

"Hi." He said giving me an adorable toothy grin.

"H-hi." I said lowly. I never expected to be talking to a popular kid outside of class

"Um I just wanted to see if you maybe wanted to hang out later?" He asked twisting his lips to the side.

Wait a minute, this boy wants to hang out with me? I'm confused.

"Is this some sort of prank?" I asked really confused.

"No! Not at all, I just really like you and I-"

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