His Angels

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Sighing, Zenia opened her car door and made her way to brunch spot she was meeting her best friend at. Her clear heels clicked on the concrete as she approached the building, her stomach full of butterflies. Her best friend, Jalissa started making money out the blue two years ago. She went from barely making it to making more and more. Jalissa always told Zenia when she was ready to know how to make fast money, reach out. Today was the day.

With Zenia avoiding her toxic ex and late on her upcoming bills, she had no other option but to indulge in whatever Jalissa was doing. Her job was cutting her hours and she was behind on paying tuition too. Jalissa would lend her money from time to time but it was time to make her own.

"How many?" The hostess asked reaching for menus.

"I'm here meeting someone." Zenia said with a small smile. "Jalissa is her name."

The hostess looked on the screen and smirked. "Right this way."

Zenia took note of everything around her. That was just her nerves speaking out loud. She never went no where but work and school and she never hung out with no one but Jalissa. She was a introvert but was curious on how Jalissa made all this money.

"Hey bestie!" Jalissa squealed standing up and engulfing Zenia with a hug.

"You two enjoy your meal." The hostess smirked walking away.

"I mis you girl." Jalissa smiled taking off her Gucci shades. "How you been?"

Its been roughly two months since the two have hung out. They only talked on the phone due to their busy schedules. Another reason was Zenia's ex was very territorial and didn't like Jalissa because of her out going personality. The truth was he didn't like her because he couldn't control her, like he could Zenia.

"I've been better." Zenia said smiling. "How about you? Are those new?"

Zenia pointed to her friend's multiple tattoos on her arm cause Jalissa to smirk and nod.

"Got them last week." She smiled. "I'm really glad you reached out. I was beginning to think we would never hang out again."

"Yea well, Tyrone is gone for the weekend so I decided to see my bestie." Zenia said twisting her lips.

Al though she broke up with tyrone, he still stays at her house. Zenia hated conflict so she does everything in her best ability to avoid it, even if she has to live with her ex for the time being.

"Is this all what this meeting is about? Seeing me?" Jalissa asked bouncing her eyebrows.

"I want in." Zenia whispered leaning close to her friend.

"In what?" Jalissa asked making a confused face.

"In whatever you're doing to make all this money. You're always at the most expensive restaurants, driving the most expensive cars and you just paid off all of your tuition for the rest of the school year." Zenia said. "I'm trying to get like you."

Jalissa giggled and rubbed her friends hand. "Are you sure bestie? It's not what you think it is."

"You a prostitute?" Zenia asked causing Jalissa to laugh. 

"No honey." She answered seeing the waiter approach them out the corner of her eye. "After brunch, I'll explain everything."

Zenia nodded but her mind went blank as the waiter was taking their order. She couldn't think of anyway Jalissa was making all this money legally. She didn't have a business, her parents wasn't rich, she didn't have a sugar daddy so what could it be.

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