Mystery Boy

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"Bye mom, I love you!" I screamed running out the house. I was running late for school but that was my brothers fault. They take forever in the bathroom thinking they will impress these girls at school. I rolled my eyes and got in the back seat of my oldest brother Armani's Benz.

"Damn Erin taking forever." Eric, the middle brother groaned.

I punched him in the chest. "You are so annoying."

"You take forever trying to look good for your boyfriend." he said rubbing his chest.

Growing up with mostly brothers, you learn how to defend yourself at an early age.

"All of you held up the bathroom leaving me only 10 minutes to get ready." I yelled.

"Shh it's too early for all of that." Kaila said, turning her volume up in her headphones.

"Kids relax." Armani said pulling out the drive way.

"We aren't kids, you relax."  I mumbled, leaning against the window.

The rest of the car ride was filled with light snores from the Eric and Kaila. It was a good thing we all went to the same school because we would be late late.


I shoved my things in my locker and sighed trying to fix my hair. I didn't have time this morning so a messy bun will have to do.

"Hey sexy." I heard behind me sending shivers down my spine.

Me and Trey have been dating since 8th grade so easily, it's been about four years. We were the it couple freshman year.

I turned around and smiled wrapping my arms around him. "You're the sexy one."

Trey smirked. "i'm taking you on a date tonight so be ready."

Butterflies filled my stomach as I nodded. Trey wasn't always the romantic type of boyfriend so us going on dates always made me happy.

"Where are we going and what should I wear?" I asked walking to our first period together. We both shared chemistry class.

Trey put his arm around me and kissed my head. "It's a surprise beautiful. Just dress like you normally do, anything will be breathtaking."

I just smiled feeling my cheeks get hotter just thinking about it.

We made it to class and I saw an unfamiliar person in my assigned seat. We walked over there and I tapped the person.

"Sorry to bother you but this is my seat." I said as politely as I could. I know it's early and people do not want to be bothered.

The person didn't move a bit. They just kept their head on the desk. I went to tap him again but Trey had other plans.

"Hey, weirdo." Trey said shoving him a little harder.

The person lifted their head up and squinted at us. If looks could kill, me and Trey would be six feet under. He had a huge scar going down his left eye which was mad noticeable, al though he didn't try to cover it with makeup. Freckles covered his face which I found adorable but I wouldn't say that out loud. This boy was handsome indeed.

He took his airpods out and tilted his head a little. "Excuse me?"

"This is me and my girls seat so move before I move you." Trey said mugging the boy.

"Trey he didn't know-"

"I don't give a fuck." Trey said never taking his eyes off the boy.

Why was he being so mean to a random boy? He has to be new here because we all have assigned seats in this class. I watched as he stood up, grabbing his things and finding another seat somewhere in the back.

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