Normal Girl (1).

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This was an imagine I had in my old book but I'm going to change it up a little considering I don't remember how the other one went. I hope you enjoy anyways!


(5 days to save him)


"We are in one of our saddest moments as we announce the passing of one of our students." The principal said on the intercom.

Everyone was in shock as the principal talked about Chris' death over the intercom. According to the principal, he passed away this weekend due to a drunk driver. He went to a party and a drunk driver, from that same party, killed him on impact. It was Monday morning when we found out the news but I figured his closest peers found out the news during the weekend.

"If anyone needs counseling you are awarded those resources throughout the week. We know this is hard for a lot of students so let us take a moment of silence for Christopher."

All the students in the class a lone were either crying or quiet during the moment of silence. I decided to say a quick prayer.

"We are here for you Tigers so let's be here for each other." he said before turning the announcement off.

"We will continue our lecture tomorrow, I know how much Chris had an impact to this school." Our teacher said sitting down, wiping her eyes.

I twisted my lips to the side and unlocked my phone. Everyone was in shambles, on social media and in school. Chris was your typical popular boy but he was nice to everyone. He helped in his community and was overall a sweet person. We didn't have too many conversations but when we did, it felt genuine. He would joke around with me in class sometimes and I remember he invited me to one of his parties he threw. I went but ended up leaving early due to my anxiety. I wouldn't say we were close friends just nice acquaintances.

The bell rung signaling us to move on to next period. I walked in the halls and scoped the scene. People were crying and trying to console each other. It was really a sad sight to see.

"Wait up Lana."

I turned around and saw Stacy and her friends walking up to me. I frowned but waited until she reached me. Stacy was Chris' girlfriend at the time but she never really liked me. We used to be best friends in middle school but when she got what she considered popular, our friendship went out the window. I remember Chris telling me that he wished she would stop being stubborn and talk to me but I didn't really understand what he meant by that so I Ignored it.

"Wassup?" I asked holding my books close.

"You going to the funeral?" She asked tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's this weekend."

"Umm, I don't know." I said glancing at her posse mugging me. They weren't as intimidating as they seemed. Just a bunch of followers lost in this society.

"I'll text you the deets tonight." She said sniffing. "He would've wanted you there."

I made a face as they walked past me. Why would he want me there? We never hung out or even changed numbers. We were partners once in class and I did all the work because I assumed he didn't have the time. He was captain of the debate team and he was doing stuff for valedictorian.

I shook my head and made my way to my locker. When I unlocked it, I could've sworn I saw Chris standing behind me, causing me to turn around.No one was behind me so I shrugged it off and continued to class.


Unlocking my front door, I sighed because today was emotionally draining. We didn't do any work or lectures because everyone was so sad, which is justified I mean, Chris had a huge impact at that school. Even being a senior, Ive seen him help everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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