【4】 dₑfₑₙdₑᵣ

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"Someone's coming" Tommy stood up and grabbed his sword. It was cute that he was defending me. I saw the three torches through the trees. It better not be my fucking brother. It probably was now that I think about it. To speak of the devil, Clay, George, and Sapnap came out of the trees. Clay looked like he was gonna kill Tommy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Tommy?" He raised his sword and deepened his voice. I pushed Tommy so I could go in front of me.

"It's not what it looks like! We were just talking!" I yelled. 

"I don't care! This kid got me in jail!"

"FYI, that was your fault. you chose to kidnap me." Tommy said behind me.

"Shut up" Clay ordered.

"YOU KIDNAPPED HIM!?" I yelled. He never even told me how he got in prison.

"C'mon y/n we're going home" Clay ignored my question and grabbed my hand, sending me to George. Dream went up to Tommy.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" I yelled in the clutches of George.

"Don't EVER come near my sister ever again." He said in the deepest voice I've ever heard from him. He was an inch away from sticking the sword through his neck. Luckily, he walked back with Sapnap and George. 

"What do you think you were doing coming out here y/n!?" Clay asked me. He sounded angry. 

"I just wanted to explore the world and not be confined to one area. Dad always told us that being curious was a good thing, " I reasoned with him. 

"You know what dangerous things lie over that wall and you disobeyed me! You could gotten hurt or worse! And don't remind me about Dad, okay? Curiosity also get you in trouble and at risk!" Clay said. There was silence for the rest of the way back to Kinoko. Once we got there, Clay put me in my room and locked the door. With no comment. I can't believe he kidnapped Tommy. For no reason?! He acts like my parent. But he's literally just my older brother.  I sat on my bed overthinking everything that my brother had done.


"I feel like your being hard on her" George said as I leaned against y/n's door. 

"I don't want to lose her like I did my parents. She's moody right now, but she knows the trauma I've been through and why I'm doing this. I just wanna keep her safe." I replied

"So she can't even go outside her room?"

"She can, it's just she deliberately disobeyed me after I told her not to go past those walls. So now, she has to face the consequence"

"Are you gonna tell her why you kidnapped Tommy?" George asked.

"She doesn't need to know" I said walking off into my room. 

"Okay, Your being difficult now" George whined. I rolled my eyes and closed my door


As they left, I was still frozen from Dream's sword an inch away from killing me. I snapped out of it and took a deep breath. I started walking back to L'manburg. I can't believe y/n was Dream's sister! She was so funny and kind. And pretty. I blushed just thinking about her. Hopefully, Wil or my dad didn't hear about this. As I walked toward the wall, I saw Wil's foot inside the hole that Friend made. Oh great. Was I out too long? The moon was pretty high. Oh great. I started running and crawled through the hole. Wil turned around with a relieved face.

"Tommy! There you are! I was worried. Where were you?" 

"I just got carried away with exploring, that's all. Sorry for the scare Wilbur" I hugged him.

"You didn't got to Kinoko right?!" 

"No, I didn't go to Kinoko. I promise." Wilbur could always tell I was lying, that's why I hugged him. Technically, I wasn't even close Kinoko, so I wasn't lying. I just met someone from Kinoko, that may or may not be my kidnapper's sister. 

"Let's get inside before dad worries." He took my hand and we walked into the castle. I heard a yell from another room as we walked in. Tubbo met us at the end of the stairs.

"Uh, Tommy, D-dad's mad" He shuddered. Oh great. 

"Too late" Wilbur looked at me with widened eyes. I went upstairs to his bedroom. My mom was in the bathroom. I put on my most innocent face and tried to mentally prepare myself for the consequence. I opened the door and asked him why he needed me.

"Dream informed me that you were in Kinoko talking to his sister. DREAM. ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU BROKE THE ONE RULE I GAVE YOU!" He yelled. Dream is such a tattletail. "AND WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HIS SISTER? DID YOU FORGET WHAT HE DID TO YOU?!"

"I didn't know" I said quietly.

"WHAT IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN? DO YOU KNOW THE RISK YOUR TAKING? THINK ABOUT YOUR BROTHERS! WHAT WOULD-" He kept rambling on and on about risks for our country and even family. I stopped him in his yelling.

"SHE DOESNT WANNA BE A PART OF KINOKO! SHE'S ALSO A VICTIM OF DREAM'S SELFISH ACTS! IT WAS HER FIRST TIME OUT OF THE KINOKO WALLS AND" I sighed. "it was the only freedom she ever had since she was 3" I ran out and went to my room. I didn't like hearing my dad yell. He almost never did. But when it came to Kinoko or Dream, he freaks out. I know what he's doing. He's being a good dad. Ever since I was kidnapped he's been protecting me every way that he can. Wilbur walked and sat in my chair while i was sitting on my bed.

"I heard the conversation." Wil informed me. "Seems like you've taken a fancy to this "kidnappper's sister."

"Oh shut up ya prick" I chuckled. I did kind of like her, but I wasn't gonna TELL him. 

"Well, if you ever need to talk, Tommy, I'm here" He smiled.

"Thanks Wil" He hugged me and left into the hallway.

5~ 7/15/21

aaaaa I love their brotherly relationship

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