2012 - HC 🧡 #1 - storms

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When they were kids, MICHELANGELO was terrified of storms.

Especially when the lightning could be seen through that pair of grids in the lair and the tunnels were illuminated for an instant with those terrifying flickers that made him see silhouettes where there was nothing.

He also used to have nightmares, especially after some horror movie that his brothers - Raphael - insisted on watching.

That is why he doesn't like clowns, for example.

Let's say, he wouldn't be so scared if Raphael didn't find amusing to play a joke or two on him, laughing at his nightmares and fears - and that's why Mikey shows him a cockroach every time he has a chance now -.

Yeah, Splinter punished him for it. It was the time when he began to teach randori, so his sons began to value discipline and know the consequences of certain acts.

Let's see, Michelangelo is too old to be afraid of those things, but sometimes he can't help it. And even less when he keeps watching those kind of movies or reading comics that can make him stay awake at night.

There are times when he prefers to sleep with one of his brothers on those nights. He usually holds on and tries not to think about it, because he is ashamed of what his brothers might say to him.

He misses when they were little and it didn't matter if he was afraid or not. Sometimes it makes him sad that everyone has their own room, especially when they spent most of those nights laughing.

The one who cares the least about spending those nights with his little brother is Leonardo. He either makes some room in his bed or he tells him they should go to his room since Mikey has the biggest bed.

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