Chapter VIII

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Zhongli frantically tried to find the source of Hu Tao's sudden disappearance, looking as far as her calendar, hoping his worrying was for nothing and she just went to a funeral or her other errands.
'December Thirty-first, where is it?'
He searched the rusty, colourless calendar, pinpointing the exact date, only to find that there was nothing.
He sighed in exhaustion and fell back on the chair, submerging in its fluffy cushions.

An abrupt opening of the doors of the parlour awoke the restless man and out came the one and only,
Hu Tao.
"Good morning! How are you-"
"Where were you?!" Zhongli lashed out unexpectedly, making the director shudder slightly. She wasn't used to Zhongli's irritated tone, as most of the time it was out of dumb things Hu Tao did to purposefully annoy her superior, but this one was out of pure anger, outrage, shelled into a painful voice.
"Zhongli, look at the date.." Hu Tao pointed to the calendar.
"It's the Thirty-first of December, that's not a reason for you to make me worry!" Zhongli rashly explained while locking his eyes with the smaller girl, eyes compressed with fury.
Hu Tao gulped, stuttering before finishing her sentence.
"..It's your birthday, Zhongli." She mustered out enough courage to speak.
Zhongli's anger instantly died down to a more stunning expression.
He didn't know what to say, the man never thought about his birthday in the past weeks, all that was in his mind was a cluster of emotions. He would've loved it if Childe were here with him, celebrating the momentous day, hands in hands.
He sighed and apologised to the director for lashing out.
"I want him here too."
Zhongli stared at her in shock, it was like she read his mind.
Hu Tao suddenly put her arms around Zhongli's waist, pulling him into a tight hug.
The brunette grinned weakly and caressed her.
Soon his suit was drenched with tears.
"It's been a long while since I've cried for another death." She sniffled and wiped her tears with the sleeves of her ornate clothing. (The last time being her grandfather, the seventy-sixth director.)
"Let's not make haste, Zhongli." She smiled, handing him a shining present box.
"Happy birthday."
Slim, long hands carefully hid the consultant's eyes, leaving him in a state of blindness.
"Where might we be going, my dear?" Zhongli slyly asked the man covering his gaze, smiling innocently.
"Somewhere special, will you let me, a humble somebody, lead someone as such as yourself, on?" Childe attempted to sound as old-fashioned as possible, but couldn't help giggling under his breath from the formalities.
The consultant glimmered, even he couldn't see Childe as a person who would act posh and fancy.
Zhongli agreed to the 'humble' request and the 'humble somebody' led him to the particular place.
The path followed a lush garden with a verdant hued meadow, filled with tulips and other varieties of flowers. Small, neatly trimmed bushes laid out the route, which possessed the sweetest smelling buds, each one of them giving a mystical aura to the scenery. It was like a fantasy right out of a storybook.
Once they reached the 'special' spot, Childe gently removed his hands from Zhongli.
Zhongli couldn't help but let out a small gasp.
"My, I never knew a modest somebody could lead me to this lavish lakeside!" He laughed.
Childe faked an irritated face, much like an actual child, his eyebrows were crossed and he huffed.
"Don't you trust the words of I? You'd think I'd accompany you to a broken-down mine?" Childe pouted sarcastically, which made the latter blush.
"I never said that my love, I'm just a little astounded, that's all," Zhongli replied.
Childe signalled him to sit down near the blanket, where he spread out snacks and sweets.
The sight was astonishing, calm, soothing waters lapped near the waterfront, its sound calm and tranquil. Birds sang a melodious tune that matched the atmosphere. There was no one around-it was like they were the only people in the whole of Teyvat. The feeling was astronomical.
Childe glanced at the brunette, hypnotised by his looks.
He was perfect in every way, the way his voice sounded like soft honey, how his suit flowed with his slim shape. It was as if he came straight from Celestia-which he did.
'What did I do to deserve this angel, oh Tsarista!'
Zhongli turned around and grinned at him.
His heart skipped a beat.
"Happy birthday, Xiansheng. You're now an even older man!"
Zhongli held the box, studying the weight, it was neither light nor heavy, he wondered what could the director put in this box.
Hu Tao waited eagerly for the man to open the present, looking up at him in enthusiasm.
The brunette undid the silk strings of the box and opened it, revealing a silver locket.
He took the necklace and felt the coolness of the metal brush against his skin, it was unscathed-most likely newly created.
On the locket itself was a pair of finely cut cor lapis, both almost identical and shining a radiant glow, easily distinguishable from its normal-cut counterparts.
"Hu Tao, this is impressive, where did you get such a unique locket?"
"Don't question the Wangsheng director herself! It's a very special locket, so keep it safe, or else.." Hu Tao playfully lectured the consultant.
Zhongli didn't pay attention and kept on feeling the precious gift.
"Wait a minute, " she commanded.
Hu Tao stood on her toes and tried to fix the necklace on him.
Zhongli chuckled, slightly lifting the short girl so she could properly adjust it.
"Do you like it? I had to go to so many shops for the damned thing!" she scoffed sarcastically.
Zhongli nodded in agreement.
"Would you like to somewhere? Someplace where Childe would've taken you?" she asked.
"I don't know, frankly. We could go to Liuli Pavilion if you like it."
"It's settled!" Hu Tao pressed her hands into the consultants, yanking it up and down in a rapid motion.
"Hu Tao!"

This one took a little longer, and I do know that it isn't Zhongli's birthday, but my moms birthday is soon and she's like Zhongli haha :)
Thank you for reading!

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