The Aftermath- II

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20th April, 2016.

Henry Morrison finally came back home. He hadn't spoken a word since he had woken up at the hospital. Without question, he had allowed the doctors to run their tests and sat looking at the beanie clutched in his hands the whole ride home.

Neighbors peered out of their windows as the car pulled up into the driveway but they made no attempts of coming over, giving the boy the privacy he needed. Mrs. Morrison fumbled with the keys and pushed the door open with shaking hands. Quietly, Henry walked through, all the way up the stairs and the sound of a door closing reverberated around the house.

Amanda brought in their few bags and set them by the side of the stairs. Her eyes were on the framed picture of the football team that hung on the wall. "Should I take it down?" she asked tentatively, turning to her father.

Mr. Morrison shook his head.

A police officer arrived later that evening with an envelope containing a small clip-on camera. He explained that the doctors had found it attached to Henry's beanie when they had brought it to the hospital. The recording showed David clipping on the camera to Henry and the instructions for him to get out. It had captured every moment of Henry's struggles all the way till he reached the hospital.

It showed the team gathered in the cabin. David's final smile as Henry turned away. The water filling up the corridor. Tom in the corner despite Henry never having noticed. Clambering up the rails and being tied to Simon. Disappearing under the waters and being pulled aboard the fisher boat. Coach's relieved face as he pulled Henry ashore and raced to an ambulance.

Amanda wouldn't voice it but she was relieved that they had the recording as proof to the team's families that it wasn't Henry's fault that only he made it out. That Henry had not abandoned his teammates.

That night, the Morrison's had visitors. The living room was crowded with parents and siblings of the football team. Henry hadn't come downstairs since he had locked himself in his room. The others were understanding and wordlessly, they watched the video clip.

Seb's parents burst into tears as Seb smiled at the camera.

David's little sister didn't understand why her mother was sobbing into her father's shoulder.

Owen's nephew stared at his uncle's face through the television as he told him not to give up on football. Monica Flather held her husband tight as he cried over the loss of his brother.

If it was possible, it was Keith's twin brother Kerron who cried the most, clutching the phone that had Keith's last message to him; Don't miss me too much. You'll do amazing!

No one blamed Henry. No one asked to see Henry. They gave him his space to recover but left behind sweets and goodies to let the boy know that there were no hard feelings.

None of them knew that Henry was not even in the house.

00:05, 21st April, 2020.

It was past midnight the thirteen year old boy knew. The sea breeze was cold as he stood on the pier, looking out at the dark waves of the North Sea. The moon was hidden behind a cloud and the only night came from a flickering lamp a few feet behind him. His bicycle stood leaning against it.

Henry breathed in the salty air of the sea and felt like throwing up. It brought back too many memories of laughter and scolding and pranks aboard a ship that had set sail what felt like eons ago. His beanie was clutched in his hand but even as he sneezed in the cold, his hands were reluctant to put it on his head. He had forgotten his coat at home and as a memory of a hand draping a coat over his shoulder and chastising him for always forgetting it drifted to the front of his mind, Henry shut his eyes tightly. A single tear trickled down his cheek.

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