The days following...

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12:30, 24th April, 2017.

And the news the whole country had waited for with bated breath arrived. Charles and Cormac were sentenced to life imprisonment and carted away to jeers and mocks from the angry people. Madam Richards stepped down from her seat with a simple addressing of the public where she apologized for her irresponsibility regarding the whole matter. No one was ready to forgive her yet.

"I went to school with Julliana," Henry's mother told them. "Bright thing she was, always a step above the rest of us in terms of brains. But when it came to common sense or responsibility- well, let's just say it was never her strong suit."

26th April, 2016.

Several bodies had been washed ashore that day. The bodies of innocent passengers who had jumped to the sea in hopes of being rescued but had instead been pulled away by the currents. Unfortunately, none of them had made it alive. The news reported five bodies in total that morning and three more in the evening.

Henry was sick that whole day. He threw up his breakfast, his lunch and his dinner but still said he wasn't hungry. There was a green tinge to his face and his body wouldn't stop shaking. His mother stayed up with him that night, hugging him tightly to her chest as he cried.

"C- Cassie and Fin, mom," he wept, trying to find comfort in her warmth but not even the layers of blankets wrapped around him could keep out the chill in his body. "Th- they were so nice to us on the ship. They said they were on- on their honeymoon and Fin had just- just gotten a new car-."

"I'm sorry, baby," his mother whispered, brushing back his hair and kissing his head. "I'm sorry."

Henry cried harder.

A/NI'm crying 😭Last chapters will be out next week:')

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I'm crying 😭
Last chapters will be out next week:')

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