● | Four | ●

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The next room the boys get to is significantly more intimidating.

Infront of them stands a large drop, about four metres down. Over it is a six-inch plank that stretches over the three metres of space.

"This one is really simple, boys. All you have to do is cross the beam, and just wait on the other side for everyone else. I really do hope none of you fall while you're traversing the pit, because that would make it really boring for all of us. If you didn't die on impact, you'd just have to wait until you starve. So, don't fall.

Once crossed the bridge, you'll see a voltage lever on the wall. It's pretty easy to figure this out, but I'll say it anyway. First one of you to pull that lever gets electrecuted. Other three move on. Good luck, candidtes."

"I wish he would stop calling us candidates. It's dehumanizing." Janus says, sounding somewhat annoyed.
"We're getting murdered one-by-one and you're upset about that?!" Virgil retorts.

"I suggest that we all cross this bridge together. If we're all holding hands and distributing our weights accross the beam, it's more likely that we will fall."
"Oh yeah, and then if one of us slips we all fucking die!"

Logan reaches out and grabs the hand of Roman, walking towards the beam. "All I'm saying is that I can guarentee you'll have a lot more chance of not falling to your death if you follow along with us."
Janus and Virgil make eye contact before the emo grabs Roman's wrist and Janus grabs that of the boy infront of him.

"I should've died, not him. God, fuck."
"Not now, Roman, please."
"Sorry, I just- I feel so bad."

Logan hums, choosing to ignore the upset of the boy with the dead brother.

"Shit-" Janus grabs Virgil's upper arm to steady him.
"It's what you get for wearing those two inch platform boots."
"Hey! I didn't plan on getting kidnapped."

Logan plants his right foot on the safe side of the concrete, pulling Roman with him. The plank begins to creak slighty, and so Virgil and Janus stand in their positions, still.
"Do we move..?"

"No. Stay there. You're going to need to both jump at the same time." Logan's natural protective instincts take over at this point. "Ready? Go."

Janus and Virgil both leap off the plank at the same time. As they do, the board breaks and falls down into the abyss, leaving the boys a little scared at how close that was.

"What now?" Roman asks, still having the same case of tears pooling in his eyes that begun when his brother shot himself in the head. All four of their eyes stay fixated on the lever.

Roman sighs, sweeping his right foot against the floor. "Guys, I think it's my turn."
They don't understand what he means until he speaks again. "Like, I should be the one to kill myself. I've never been suicidal in the slightest, but I just- Patton just died because of me. My brother is dead. And, fuck. I don't know what I'll do if I survive this. I'm failing all my classes and Remus was my only friend-"

A small smile pokes at the corner of Janus' mouth. "I mean, if that's how you feel, nobody's stopping you."
"That's not an appropriate comment, Janus." Logan scolds.

Within around four seconds, a heavy flow of tears have started to flow down Roman's face. He feels guilty. Very guilty.
"I can't deal with this, man. It's too much."

Janus grimaces impatiently. "Hey, controller man! Is there a rule against killing another person this round?"

"Not this time. Have fun."

The boy who asked the question hums in satistaction before sliding his jacket off and wrapping it around his hand. He grabs Roman's wrist and pushes it onto the lever, swiftly pulling it down and letting go of his grip as a sharp bolt of electricity courses through the upset boy's veins, letting his body shake as he falls to the floor, dead to the properties of electricution.

"What the fuck was that?!" Virgil yells, his breath picking up.
"He was going to do it anyway! It was obvious! Let's be honest, nobody cared about his little sob speech."

"While I do agree with the last statement, that was a very cold-blooded thing to have done."
Janus scoffs. "Like you wouldn't have done the same."
"No, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have!"

"I think it's appropriate for you to save this little discussion for the next round. Please progess through the gate."


722 words

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