🇩🇪.:|Chapter 8 - One story ends with another beginning|:.🇩🇪

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Trigger warning ⚠️- Slight Gore and blood

Germany's pov.

The room was silent. I could feel my blood rushing around in my ears, I could feel my heartbeat against my chest. I was so scared my hands were sweating buckets. Russia didn't even look at me, he kept his eyes on the ground. I felt my breath stuck in my throat, it was thick and painful. We could hear Ukraine moving about in his room above us, this house had so many levels, at least five or six floors.
"You're just like your father you say..." Soviet mumbled, snapping me out of my thoughts. This isn't how I thought he'd react and by the look of confusion on Russia's face he didn't think so either. Soviet was known as the most ruthless man around yet here he was, nearly half-asleep listening to my confession.

"Of course he is papa, he killed our friend-" Russia tried but was cut off by Soviet, his eye flickered open and his tired eye glared challenged Russia. Soviet then looked over at me, I couldn't meet his eye like Russia had. I stared at my leather shoes, I was scared, he was going to kill me I know it.
"Look at me boy, I want to see your face." Soviet's voice boomed throughout the room, I was terrified but forced my head up and for my eyes to meet his. Soviet's eye was a violent yellow, so bright it looked like it had seen everything. His eye patch however had his famous hammer and sickle design on it, it looked worn and well used. I wondered why he didn't replace it.

I felt my cheeks heat up and sweat drip from my brow, I understood what I did was wrong, and I know I am going to die here. I felt peace wash through me, if I died now, I could see Poland again, and mother, I could actually meet mother. Father had told me almost everything about her, they way she looked, the way she smiled, the way she cooked the most amazing food. Father loved her so much that his own insanity has made his nurse look like her. His nurse's real name is Jacqueline, but Father calls out to her as if they were still married.
"Germany, you are nothing like your father or grandfather. I will let you stay here until this case falls flat. Russia will show you around." Soviet finally said softly as Russia snapped his head up. He looked so mad at his father, I could see the rage burning in his eyes.

"Father you can't be serious, there's no way you are letting him stay here. What about Belarus or Latvia or Lithuania? They're so young they can't be around this- this killer!" Russia yelled, abruptly standing up, his eyes grew frustrated as he continued on.
"He hurt our friend Papa, he murdered someone! What will we tell the others?!" Russia would have continued to scream his opinions but Soviet just meekly raised his hand  and nodded. Russia's face grew hot as he muttered something in panicked Russian. Soviet responded with a nod and Russia left the room.
"Do not make me change my mind now, Germany."

A few weeks later

The Slavic household was quite different to what my grandfather had taught me. There was no order, yet everything was done correctly, it was chaos, yet everything was finished and in line. It confused me that a house this dysfunctional could work so well. The smaller children would scream and yell yet somehow managed to get fed and put to sleep at a reasonable hour. There was no communication anywhere yet they knew that certain things needed to be done. It was all, confusing and messy.
"Germany! I'm hungry!" Belarus called from the lounge room.

I walk over to her little mess on the floor, scattered pencils, paper and markers everywhere. I'm just wearing some tracksuit pants and a hoodie since it's so cold but she is in a thin purple dress covered in lace.
"Well, what would you like on it?" I ask back, her eyes widen as she starts listing nearly every ingredient in the house. I try to remember it all as she continues talking. I feel my eyes start to daze, they go fuzzy, I see my grandfather in front of me. I feel like I can't breathe, the air is thick and my lungs refuse to work under the sudden pressure.
"Grandfather I-" I mutter before black splotches appear in my sight, no no- I need to see him. I need to talk to him.

Everything is wrong.

Grandfather please-

I beg you...

Canada's pov.

Mexico and I are back where they found Poland. Something didn't sit right with me here, it was like the trees were watching us. Mexico was flickering a flashlight on and off that we had brought just in case it got dark. She looked bored.
"What are we looking for, amigo is long gone." I hear Mexico call from across the clearing, looking deep into the thick lines of trees. She was right, Poland was long gone now, the police had what was left of him. I wasn't looking for Poland, I was looking for the monster that took Poland.

I noted the area around us, there was the base of a steep cliff next to us and thick trees over by Mexico. The person who took Poland away couldn't have gone far, no camera saw anyone leave. It just happened that on the hour Poland and the mystery killer pulled up those same cameras were out.
"I want to check the base of the cliffs, maybe someone is camping out there!" I call back to Mexico, she nods and continues fiddling with the flashlight making no effort to follow.
"Thanks for coming with..." I whisper as I hike closer to the cliffs wall.

As I thought, there were large expansive caves littered inside the cliff face. I wrapped my arms around myself and took a deep breath in, what if they were still here? I'd be face to face with a murderer. I walked into the first cave I saw, there didn't seem to be any sign that someone had been here before. I didn't want to go too far so I moved back out and located the next cave. I noticed a shiny red wrapper outside the mouth of rock and knew, I just knew they'd be here.
"Found the dragon in their den." I whispered to myself as I wonder into the cave. I pull my coat around me and I notice the ashes of a burnt out fire.

I wasn't until I heard a click that I looked down at my feet, my right foot was firmly pressed down on a bear trap. Without a moment to spare the trap snapped shut, crushing my leg tight against the teeth. I let myself fall back onto the ground, I feel my heart beating against my chest and hearing it echo in my ears. I shouldn't have looked, god I wish I hadn't. I saw my leg there, mangled and blood rushing down, pooling on the stone ground. I tried to move my leg out, pain shot up my body. I let out a scream, hoping Mexico would hear me. I let out whimpers and heavy, shaky breaths as I wiggled my fingers in between the jaws. I tried to force them open.

It wasn't moving. I felt my vision blur with the tears, I cried out again, I called for Mexico. My hands were shaking now, I had no strength to open the literal iron grip against my leg. I let out pitiful sobs and gasps, I didn't care now, I was going to die here.
"That's a lot of blood there. Mind if I help?" Asked a voice coated in a thick German accent. My mind immediately went to Third, only that psycho would do something like this. I saw two little white eyes stare at me from the darkness of the cave, they seemed to be tall, very tall. I whimpered again.
"Please- I'll do anything just- help me-" I begged.

Ame would laugh at how weak I looked but the pain was so much.

I saw a man I knew but had never met before, Germany's grandfather, Reich. He walked over slowly, as if this wasn't causing me pain at all. He effortlessly recoiled the springs and pulled the jaws back until they clicked back in place. He then pulled my leg from the trap and tightly tied a rope around my leg to cut the blood off.
"You are very calm for such an agonising event." Reich whispered before picking me up off the ground.
"Uh- thanks- OW-" I yelped as he held my leg, somehow being more painful.
"Mex- Mex is outside-" I stuttered only to see him shaking his head.
"Oh no, you're going to be Germany's kill." He murmured as he twisted my ankle.

I shivered and screamed as my vision went black from the pain in my leg.


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