🇩🇪.:|Chapter 2 - Found|:.🇩🇪

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Russia's pov.

Germany is worrying me, he isn't right. I have never seen the country so far gone inside their own mind. Except for him, of course. I remember when I was young papa would space out whenever he wished. He could've been cooking dinner and then his mind would wonder. It turned out that his spacing out was due to the stress of running his country while America kept interfering. I don't know if I'll ever forgive him for taking my father's mind. Germany is shuffling behind me.
"Come on, it might be winged comrade or maybe dead bird." I say as we press on. The spring season here is warm in my opinion. Germany has been shivering though, maybe he just is built different.

The walk isn't long and there's already a small group forming around something. Canada is talking on the phone to someone in baguette while everyone is trying to hold tears. Must be comrade then. I walk over to everyone and see what they are all looking at. Poland's mangled body. His right arm is missing, wolves no doubt. His skin is a sickening black and green and the skin on his stomach has rotted away. That's what everyone sees first, the look of the body. I however look at the injuries, slits on his face, a few on his stomach and his wings have been carefully clipped. My personal ruling, murder.

"Do you think there's a chance he... he did it to himself?" Germany mutters to me quietly, so quietly I nearly miss it. I look down at the body. I look at Germany. I pull out my pocket knife and bend down. I gently grab Poland's hand and make it grab the knife. What's left of his fingers are brittle and bony. I then bend the arm at the angle one would need to have to slit the face of oneself. It bends in an awkward unpractical way. I take my knife from his hand and rest it down again.
"No, there's no way he could have gotten the angle right. Someone did this." I say back before putting my knife away.

Canada came back a few moments later, his eyes were puffy and red. Canada didn't know Poland well from what I could tell, I think he was just mourning the death of an acquaintance rather then a friend. That's fine, this is very overwhelming for everyone.
"I called the police and the ambulance, they're coming right away." Canada said. America mumbled something about 'little late for an ambulance'. Peru, Mexico and Spain were checking the area for more clues or evidence. Nearly everyone offered to come look for Poland, nearly everyone. Switzerland apparently had 'a thing' and Belugim was 'not coming into the snow to save her life'. Germany looked at the body the most out of everyone, as if he was pleading with it.

"Hey, come on. We should get you home, you look paler then the snow." I said as I pulled him towards my truck. I owned a red truck with snow wheels, bull bar and a towing cable. It was actually my fathers but he said I could use it when I wanted to. I shot Canada a call on the radio saying we are heading out, Germany wasn't feeling good. The trip was about 25-45 minutes away from Germany's house, depending if it is safe enough to speed. Germany sat quietly in the passengers side as we sped down the road.
"If someone did it... who? I mean... only us countries know about Poland's existence. Humans can't tell us from the rest of them. Unless a human was mad at Poland's human self?" Germany started rambling, for some reason, he just felt guilty to me. Why else ramble?

"Maybe a country was sick of having him around. Like how Third hated living next to Poland so he... or how my father hated living next to capitalists so he made the ussr block." I said. I still remember father going from house to house saying 'communism or death'. They were fun times. Germany nodded but seemed unhappy with my answer. I wonder what is eating him?
"Are you doing alright? Winged comrade was your friend, this must be hard on you." I said, I was never any good at comforting people. That was always Ukraine or Georgia, the sisters knew how to calm a room. Silence filled the air for a few moments as I pulled into Germany's driveway.

"Would you... never mind." Germany whispered, ask if he didn't want to ask.
I glanced at him, he was pale. I parked the car and turned the keys.
"Do you want me to stay the night? Just in case?" I say, resting my hands on the keys. Germany thinks for a moment before nodding and gathering his stuff.
"Yes please, please come inside." Germany says and we get out of the car and walk up to the doorway. Germany unlocks the door and lets me in.
"Nice pad G-dog." I say mimicking America, I don't know why, his dialect intrigues me.

I sit on the saggy lime couch and look around the room while Germany heads to the kitchen. The room is full of books, trinkets and other useless junk people collect. An old 1950s maybe 1960s tv sat in the centre on a little cabinet. There was a window to the right with a barstool in front of it. On the barstool sat a little bonsai tree that seemed to haven't had been groomed in about a week or so.
"Hey Germany, I like the mini tree." I call out to him. I then notice a letter with loopy cursive on the envelope saying "Deutschland". Germany comes back in and looks at the tree, his face pales more as he quickly grabs the note.

He reads it over a few hundred times before speaking to me.
"I- I must have missed this... it's Er... a letter from Poland. He gave me his bonsai, for whatever reason..." Germany muttered. Why would Poland give Germany his bonsai? That's just strange since it was a gift from Japan. Perhaps he and Japan were fighting before he disappeared? Japan wouldn't have... Japan wouldn't have. But her mother might have had a sword or two in Poland's death. I mean, those cuts were from an obvious professional. There is no one else.
"Germany, I think I know who might have killed Poland. It's just a theory but, what if Imperial killed him? I mean it all makes sense right?"

Germany looked at me for a moment and thought about it. The letter was clutched under his hands now, as if he didn't want it to see him.
"It's possible, she is trained in that fighting style. I mean... we can't say for sure." Germany muttered back as he looked at the bonsai. The leaves were slightly out of place and the stones looked disturbed.
"We can look for clues that connect her though! Wait... isn't she always visiting your dad?" I say, Germany gives me a soft nod. He seems confused but I continue.
"We can just ask your dad if he has seen Imperial off lately or if she said anything!" I proclaim.

"Wait, doesn't that mean we'll have to visit my father?"


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