Eighteen; Sad Beautiful Tragic

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Klaus and Elena was sitting in the bar on one side of a table with Stefan and Rebekah on the other. Elena's arms were wrapped around his upper body constantly touching him.

"So Stefan, enlighten me. What makes you worthy of an Original like my sister? She's pure vampire and you're no more than a diluted bloodline"

"Don't listen to him, Stefan. Nik's an elitist"

"Hmm. And where's the rest of your family?"

"Well, let's see. Um...I killed most of them"

"But not all" Elena said smiling and Klaus smiled her back as she kissed his lips. Stefan was able to tell that Klaus was in love with the girl standing next to him. He was once in love, he knew that look very well.

"And you're okay with that?"

"Well, we all had the chance to choose a side. Me and Elena chose the right one, eventually"

"And what about you, Elena? How did you two meet"

Elena laughed along with Rebekah and Klaus just smirked at his question. Elena tilted her head and smiled to Klaus softly before telling.

"Nik's and Rebekah's parents were so kind to raise me and turn me into a vampire along with them"

"Oh, and they had fallen in love, such cliche"

Rebekah said and the four of them started to laugh until a man stopped by their table. He looked furious and Elena was so amused by his expressions.

"Where the hell's my wife?"

"I don't know. I give up" Stefan answered smugly only to anger the poor man even more. The rest of the table was watching them like they were watching an amusing theatre. "You think you're so tough? Hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor? A telephone call to Chicago P.D. might set you straight"

"Ooh!" Elena, Klaus and Rebekah were laughing at the man's pointless threats as Stefan was calling a woman to their table. Elena eyed the girl, her dress really caught her attention.

"Lila? Lila, please. Come here for a second"

"Oh, thank God. Come on, we're leaving"

The man started to leave with his wife, at least he tried to, but Stefan reached his arm out to stop him and compelled him with a cruel smirk upon his lips.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. No. You're sitting"

The man sat down next to Klaus and Lila next to Stefan. Stefan took off her glove and took a pen knife from his jacket pocket, showing it off with semi serious expression.

"Stefan, don't be mean"

"What the hell are you doing?"

Klaus seemed intrigued and Elena giggled. Stefan cut Lila's wrist and the blood poured into a champagne glass. Klaus and Elena smiled along with Rebekah, and finally Klaus was thinking someone was enough good for Rebekah.

"Thank you so much, Lila. Why don't you go and bandage that up?"

Lila got up and left with compulsion working very well. Stefan compelled Lila's husband and Elena was watching him carefully. Stefan, knowing he had an admirer at the table was acting even with more confidence.

"I'd like you to join me for a drink"

Stefan gave him the glass containing the blood of his wife. Man hesitated and looked at the glass, then looked back to Stefan.

"What kind of sick freaks are you?"

"I said, drink!"

Stefan commanded to the poor man as Klaus was watching him with interest. He shakily raised the glass to his lips and took a sip of his wife's blood. He coughed with disgust and burnt.

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