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After a few minutes of looking around for Damon, Luna had found him with a gorgeous dark skinned girl

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After a few minutes of looking around for Damon, Luna had found him with a gorgeous dark skinned girl. They seemed to be in some sort of intense conversation, but Luna decided to walk over to see what it was about anyway. It wasn't like the girl could see her, only Damon could and he wasn't about to make anyone aware of the reality that he could in fact communicate with a dead girl.

"You lived to see another day." The black beauty's voice was harsh and hushed. Clearly, she wasn't fond of the Salvatore brother.

"No good deed goes unpunished with you." The older man pointed out, before popping a blueberry in his mouth. He didn't seem too phased by the young girl not liking him. In fact, from what Luna experienced so far, she realised Damon was mostly unbothered when a person didn't like him. It baffled her, because Luna, at least when she was alive, loved that people loved her. She was quite well liked, especially thanks to her mum, who was a local town's favourite person.

"Doesn't undo the bad. I know what you are Damon." The girl took a pause for dramatic effect, subconsciously allowing Luna to interrupt with a quick, 'A bitch.' for which the man glanced at her with a subtle eyeroll and turned his eyes back to the living girl who continued speaking, "You might have Elena and the sheriff, and everybody else fooled, but not me."

"Hmm" Damon didn't seem to believe the girl and looked like he wanted to laugh in her face.

"One wrong move and I'm gonna take you out." She finished her little speech, and the vampire man looked more amused than he'd ever been before.

"Stop with the witches brew. You're starting to believe your own press." Luna thought of it as some kind of joke. First she was dead, he was apparently a vampire and now there's a witch. At first, the girl really thought it was some kind of roleplay that they were doing. Of course, until she saw other people die and well, the reality of this world. With Luna distracted by her thoughts she didn't even realise when the living girl had left and Damon began talking to the dead one.

"Did you find out anything?" He questioned, rubbing his temple before sighing and focusing his eyes on the blonde.

"No, only that he's one of those 'cool uncles'. But, I was meaning to ask, because obviously I can't myself, can you ask sheriff Forbes if she knows what happened to my mum? Because I've just been wondering about it." Luna tried running a hand through her knotted hair, but ultimately gave up on it. Damon stared at the ghost for a second, no emotion visible in his eyes. She was unable to read his expression, before he shrugged and nodded.

"Sure, we can go ask now. After all, Liz should be around here somewhere." He shrugged again, before setting off to find Caroline's mother. They wandered around the Lockwood mansion, looking for the blonde woman. Eventually, they were able to find her in the living room, speaking with a tall man neither Luna nor Damon knew. When Liz and said man noticed Damon, the woman excused herself and walked over to the man with the piercing blue eyes.

"Liz, hi. I was wondering, do you know anything about uh... What was her name again..." Damon realised a moment too late he didn't know Luna's mother. Or anything about her. Liz raised her brows, as Damon pretended to think and glanced at Luna.

"Marissa Grove."

"Ah, yes, Marissa Grove. Do you know anything about her?" Liz Forbes was clearly surprised by the sudden question and the initial interest in Marissa. Luna was looking at the woman who couldn't even see her, impatiently awaiting her response. The sheriff thought for a moment, before nodding her head and averting her gaze away with sad eyes.

"Marissa was my friend, actually. She was part of the council and she had a daughter, Luna. Had, because unfortunately Luna died just before Elena Gilbert's parents, I'm sure you know about that. It was an awful thing to happen, from a vampire too. We covered it up, of course, told everyone it was an animal attack." While Liz paused to compose herself and take a deep breath, Luna's eyes drilled holes into the woman with furrowed brows and a curious gaze. "Anyway, after the... Incident, Marissa couldn't bare the loss of her daughter and she moved away. I'm not sure where to, but I know it's quite far. London maybe... I'm not sure. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just heard something about her recently and got curious. You know, nothing serious." Damon proceeded to thank the sheriff, before heading the other way with Luna following, profoundly confused. She was just glad her mother was alright, but it didn't explain her death. She didn't remember anything, much less being attacked by some vampire. Damon glanced back and forth between Luna and where they were going so he didn't bump into anyone on the way. Now that the dead girl had her answer, Damon hoped she recovered quickly enough to help him with the rest of his problems. Because there were in fact many.

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