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Both Ladies freeze. Lady Angie, freezes in the air and falls, playing dead, and Lady Donna slowly turns towards the door, facing me. She was in the middle of lifting my blanket.

"Well?" My smile grows larger, as she stutters and shakes.

"..I-I was lookin-- I was loo-" I raise my eyebrow at her, finding Lady Donna's reaction quite precious. Her face was as shocked as it was when I first pulled off her veil, the hue in her cheeks growing darker, and her stutters more sporadic. How captivating, I think I enjoy this side of her.

She stumbles towards me, after rescuing Lady Angie from the floor, and snatches the glass of milk, before tottering away. Embarrassed noises and chattering dolls are the only remaining sounds left after tonight. A true gem, Lady Donna is.

Maybe I could take advantage of this side of Lady Donna, one full of rattle and panic, of course with plenty of blush on her part.

And so I did. The next morning was amusing, with all this new found confidence, I continuously tease the head of House Beneviento. Soft touches along her mid back or around her waist, leaves her a flustered mess, very entertaining.

Sweeping my hands across her shoulders as I place down her meals, or getting up and personal when a question is asked. I like to imagine Lady Donna's face under the veil, maybe embarrassed or red-faced.

"Yes, my lady?" I spoke directly next to her ear, as she sat in her working table. My voice purposefully sweet, in a mutter as my face was already close enough.

"You—ge-get—I-" Lady Donna's voice getting softer and softer, after noticing the space between our faces decreasing, soon only separated by half a centimeter and a thin piece of cloth, her veil.

"What's the matter, my lady?" My voice only a whisper, we'd be kissing if even a breath of wind were to push us closer. The only barricade, her veil. Just a little closer.

"Get more black cloth now! You stupid maid!" Lady Angie's intense screaming separated the both of us. Lady Donna still stumbling over her words, and I—

I was annoyed.

"Gah! Lady Angie, could you be any louder!"

"Could I be any louder! What about your babbling mouth, stupid maid!" Her voice only getting louder, and her screams blaring through the house more and more. She's throwing a tantrum. Screaming and yelling and cursing all in one breathe. The other dolls following after her, chattering louder and louder.

Lady Donna was back to work, ignoring all noise.

"Ok, ok Lady Angie, shush it's almost time for dinner." I'm late on preparing dinner, I must have been too distracted with my Lady. She's been the same all afternoon, screaming and yelling, then taking a break for a quick snack, and back to screaming and yelling and screaming and yelling and screaming.

Like a child.

I place their dinners onto the table. "Be careful Lady Beneviento, it's hot." I planned on teasing her again. Before I could continue, I hear slight grumbling from Lady Angie.

Alright I'll leave her alone for a while, let Lady Angie breathe a little. Maybe I should finish up the doll, it's almost done. I just need to make a small replica of Lady Angie in time for Lady Donna's birthday.

It's not the best. Actually, it kinda sucks. There are loose threads hanging out and a few cotton pieces too. The dress was scrapped together and Lady Donna's veil was a piece of black fabric loosely draped over the doll's head. Uneven stitching, uneven distribution in cotton, and an uneven body all contribute to the doll's ugly nature.

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