Your gonna cry alot lmao

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tw/ puking death depression  
I'm not gonna even  say blood

Deimos was a heavy smoker and his lungs were fucked up really fucked up..

Deimos was smoking outside by the door coughing in the process
As he breathed in and out.. "Deimos." Sanford said looking at him sternly
"Meet me upstairs in 7" as Deimos was about to protest he was already upstairs, the stairs creaking.

7 minutes.



Deimos quickly runs upstairs and leans on the wall before Sanford broke the silence

"please stop smoking I know...I...i..know" his voice broke down gripping his eyes before whipeing them

he walks over and hugs Deimos, " to me please." ...Deimos hugged back before gripping his shoulders
"I'm so tired man.." "I..I can't." San replied "you can't what..?"
"I feel useless small, you guys are stronger a..and I can't be one of those things..I can't...dude!" he sniffled before hugging tighter into Sanford.
"Look buddy if you promise,.. to try to stop sm...smoking.. I'll always help you."
"P..please!" He yelled into his shoulder
He grabs Deimos legs and picks him up before carrying him downstairs into the left room placing him down onto the bed "San..Ford. Pl.please."
He took off his hat and headphones before covering his body and tucking him in

"I love you" he said before turning off the lights and shutting the door

2.:20 in the morning Sanford was met with a large voice of screaming of his name, he gasps before ripping off the blanket and running down in pure underwear bolting down the stairs crushing into a wall before grunting "DEIMOS..?!" "SANFORD IT...HURTS!"
Sanford bolts down the hall and slams the door open to be met with Deimos gripping the toilet seat like his life depended on it the floor and toilet had blood all over it and Deimos was gasping and holding onto his chest gripping on his toned shirt
"D-Deimos wha-what's wrong?!" Sanford bolts over and grips on his shoulders
He was pail under bags and his eyes looked dead.
"" he gasped coughing up blood, Sanfords breathing hitched as he ran down the hall breaking into the docs office "DOCTER I NEED YOU PLEASE! Damned screamed bolting off the bed and gripping the table
"Shit Sanford what the hell dude!"
"Y-you gotta help him man some.somethings wrong!" Tears bursted down sanfords cheeks his face growing red and puffy doc sighs before grabbing equipment and running down to see Deimos crying on the flood blood everywhere
"H..holy shit" doc gasped before leaning on the flood and opening his mouth and checking his heart beat, he places a breathing mask on Deimos, Deimos gripping the mask and breathing heavily in it
"s-shit He's going up something's definitely wrong "
Sanford grips his hair before panting. "SHIT DEIMOS P-"
Sanford stumbles outside the door and smashes into a wall as doc slams the door
it making a loud bang
"Yo what the fu- yo what's going on here" hank speaks
Sanford grips his hair tighter staring at the ground "Sanford wh..what's going on?!" He speaks gripping his shoulders softly
"I-i don't know man, Deimos screamed..a-a.and I-and" he gasps his breathing getting worse in the process
hank notices before grabbing his shoulders and hugging him "sh...shhhhh.. buddy..

I wanna see some ideas of what you think will happen 👀

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