Chapter 2: Detention!

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"Their love is like the wind, I can feel it, but they fucking can't!"


Luke's pov

I stretched, trying to bend over. "Come on, almost there. Come on! So close! Gah!" I fell foreword, and my legs crushed my hands. See, this is why I don't try and touch my toes. P.E was fucking torture, but hey, I was getting an A in this class somehow.

We all had to go run a mile, and then I got an idea. Mashton. This would have to work, it just would. Abigail was in this class, and hadn't left Michael's side, even after lunch. I had to get rid of her. So, ya know, if it meant something bad would happen, so be it!

We all ran outside, and onto the track, as we started doing our laps. Abigail clutched Michael's arm, and I nearly growled, if that's even possible.

"Aye, Abi! Can you come here a second?" I asked, jogging slower. She nodded, and skipped towards me, and Ashton was beside Michael, and the two began slowly talking. My plan was working, now time to get rid of her.

"Fuck! I forgot my glasses!" I lied," god I am so forgetful! Ugh!"

"Hey Luke its fine, lemme help you find them. The P.E teachers never pay attention to us anyway." She dragged me inside, and that's when my plan started to work.

"They are probably in the boys locker room. You shouldn't go down there, its dangerous."

"Nah, its good. I live with all guys. Two brothers, and a father, I can handle it. And my dad plans to adopt another kid, whose a baby boy. Come on."

I tried to hide my smirk, as we padded down the steps. While she searched the room, I dashed into the P.E teacher's room, and swapped the keys, then bolted up the stairs, and locked the door.

Abigail hadn't seemed to notice yet, so I darted back outside, and caught up with my favorite friends soon. "Hey, where is my girlfriend?" Michael asked.

"She was having period problems. She wanted me to tell you, because I had some pads with me, because my sister?" I lied. Hopefully he believed me. Michael nodded, and then went back to running, not acknowledging Ashton.

I jumped onto Ashton's back, and turned his body, making him crash into Michael. Michael yelped, and stumbled over, and Ashton came falling down.

"Timmmmbeeerrr!" I yelled, as we crashed onto the track. We all laughed our asses off, and Ashton's hand brushed Michael's nose, but then he coughed, and got up, looking serious again. He pushed his glasses up onto his face more.

Usually Ashton wore contacts, but eh. Ashton left, dismissing us, and Michael hung back, looking at the ground. What the hell happened? They were getting along so well. I threw my arms up in defeat. Plan B had failed, but they would be together.

Soon it was time to go back in, and there Abigail was, brushing her hair, and she had my glasses in her hand, and a bobby pin between her lips.

"Funny little prank Luke! Locking me in the locker room! But you gotta try harder than that! Three boys remember? But good prank! Here are your glasses!" She threw them to me, and I blinked. They had been down there?

Yeah duh you dipshit. Why did you think you couldn't see for the past few days?

I shook my head, but felt eyes boring into my neck. I knew they were Michael and Ashton's eyes. I started to take off, and ran out of there, not bothering to change back into my normal clothes. My body collided with someone else's.

"Fucker! Watch where you are going! I don't have time!"

The person grabbed the collar of my shirt, and then all the color drained from my face. It was my principal, and she had a deadly grip on my neck. "Detention, after school. You will serve it with your P.E teacher. Now, what's this about you not having time?"

Soon footsteps made their way up to me, and I saw Mashton. "Gotta go, dentition after school, P.E teachers right! Bye!" I sprinted down the hall, and Michael was yelling my name, Ashton following because, well, he's a weirdo.

I ran out of breath, because of my lack of athleticism.

Ashton got to me first, and pulled me right back to Michael.

"Lucas! You can't just lock my girlfriend in the men's locker room! Some perv could have got to her, or she could have killed you, or me!"

"Michael, she is a dumb blonde. She thought it was just a funny little joke. Lighten up will ya? Anyway it got me more Mashton!"

Ashton huffed, and Michael just gave me a glare. "Will you ever get over this whole Mashton thing?"

"Once you dump Abigail, and Ashton comes out as gay, it will be all good. My ship will be sailing, because right now, its at rest. I also have dentition because of you two!"

They both laughed, and it was so beautiful. They turned to go back to class, but were met my Mrs. Kelly, the principal.

"Skipping class is a no here. Have fun in detention with your friends Luke. Since you skipped this class, you will have dentition in the gym. Have fun!"

She walked off, her heels clicking.

"Mikey, how many seconds do I got?"


I took off as Michael began counting. He reached five, and tore after me. Ashton was behind him, to make sure he would kill me.

Well, isn't my day just great?"





Yass!!! Chapter 2! Luke literally has no chill. But let's be honest, he wanted his mashton.

Dedicated to my buddy, because she is on point, and can always make me life and smile!


-Fallingshades xoxoxo

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