Chapter 12: This isn't a home

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"They always say, home is where your heart is. Then why do people get so angry when I eat a bunch of  their food?"


Luke's pov

Demi still had a snake-like grip on my shirt. This was so bad! Calum was bleeding, I was in deep shit, and god knows if Mashton have even fucked yet!


Mashton could be fucking and I'm missing it! Everything was just going wrong at the moment.

There was nothing I could do about it.

Demi opened the door, and threw me into my home. It felt so cold, and my mom and dad sat there, folding their arms.

"Where the hell have you been? You don't bother telling us where you are? Then you go and steal Demi's boyfriend! You sick little pig!" My mom spat.

"I'm an incredibly sorry mother, father. Please, forgive me. I've just been hanging out with friends. I also didn't steal Demi's boyfriend, he left willingly."

My dad slammed his hands on the table.

"Bullshit! You have no friends! Also, you just leave, and go fuck around! Probably got HIV or something! My own son, being such a disgrace! Luke, you know what this means!"

Oh shit. No, no! Tears started filling my eyes.

"You gotta believe me! I didn't do anything! Mom, dad, Demi! Come on, I'm a good kid!"

"Shut the fuck up! Go to your room, right fucking now!"

I sucked in the tears, and walked slowly up the stairs, knowing my fate already. I was just with Calum! My parents didn't tell me to tell them! Oh, this is so my fault! I had this coming! They were so worried about me, and I just left them!

My dad banged on the door, I knew it was him. The tears started falling down my face before I knew it.

He shoved open the door, with a belt in his hand. He yanked my pants down. No, he's not raping me. My parents would never do that, ya little nasties. He raised the belt, and brought it down onto my butt. I screamed in pain.

"Shut it! Only girls scream! Why do you disappoint us Luke? Do you find pleasure in that!"

I only cried harder, which caused him to hit me harder with the belt. He always did this, but never physically harmed me. The pain began to numb, but why wasn't he stopping. My dad soon left, and I curled into a ball, breathing heavily.

Calum's pov

"Calum, worrying isn't gonna help us get to Luke faster! Ashton apply more pressure to his little wound."

"Ashton, fuck off! We need to find Luke!"

"Calum, just let me help!"



"Will both of you just shut the fuck up! We need to help Luke! Bickering can wait!" Ashton yelled.

Well damn. That was a new side of Ashton. He shrunk back from us, twiddling his thumbs, pretending that none of that happened.

We all ran outside, hopping into Ashton's car. My parents were gonna kill me, when they figured out I skipped school, but there was good reason!

Michael and Ashton sat in the back with each other, and Ashton hugged Michael.

"I hope Lukey is okay."

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